Damn Terry, are you such an #$%* in person?
Yeah mate, if not "running with the herd" is me being an #$%*, then I am, for sure.
The underlying theme of this thread was really all about "how kids of today are all spoiled brats", and "back in my day", and "I'm a great parent/my parents are great and so are my kids" etc, and of course, Unkie Ernie and Gordon chimed in with their 2 cents worth, initially refuting any possibility that the girl in question may actually be in poor mental health, Gordon opining that she made the whole thing up, and Ernie suggesting his own theory that your thoughts affect your mental chemistry, when in fact, it's actually the other way around. To be fair to them both, they did soften their stances later on, (what we call "back-pedalling" here) when they realized that not everyone agreed with the theme of this thread.
Your remark regarding the suicide situation (currently the third biggest killer of teenagers in the US) demonstrates the naivety of the "average Joe" when it comes to mental illness. People suffering from Bi-Polar syndrome often commit suicide, in fact, my brother was on suicide watch when he was incarcerated for attempting to strangle his wife, a standard procedure when dealing with inmates with psychological disorders. The medication that he is prescribed helps to keep him calm, bit it won't cure him, and of course, only works if he actually takes it. A psychiatrist or psychologist is trained to
treat people suffering from mental illness, but it'd be a brave person indeed who'd come out and make a claim that they could actually cure it.
The problem with mental illness, compared to a physical affliction, is that you can't see it, and what you can't see, (with the possible exception of God, Buddha, Allah, or whoever it is that you pray to) you have problems believing. It's easier to come out and label someone as an #$%*, a spoiled brat, whatever, and at the same time give yourself a big pat on the back for the great job you've done with your own kids. If only life really was that simple..........