Author Topic: Iain's 1979 CB650 project log - 118 Pictures  (Read 31992 times)

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Re: IainC CB650 project log
« Reply #25 on: April 16, 2010, 08:09:46 AM »
Wally world has super tech brand cleaners for cheap.
18 grand and 18 miles dont make you a biker

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Re: IainC CB650 project log
« Reply #26 on: April 16, 2010, 11:30:54 AM »
Good log you've got going here.

I've always wanted to graft Nighthawk body parts onto my '79 for a little more style. :) One question, how does the Nighthawk tank mount up to the '79 frame? Do the original mounting points match up?

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Re: IainC CB650 project log
« Reply #27 on: April 16, 2010, 03:47:03 PM »
Thanks for the input guys :)

I've always wanted to graft Nighthawk body parts onto my '79 for a little more style. Smiley One question, how does the Nighthawk tank mount up to the '79 frame? Do the original mounting points match up?

I actually sold that tank. It was just a spare that came with the parts bike. Didn't match up at all. I'm sure you could make it fit, but it would take a bit of work. That was the only nighthawk part I had. The rest are 79 cb650 bits.

Offline manjisann

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Re: IainC CB650 project log
« Reply #28 on: April 18, 2010, 04:14:41 PM »
Signing on for the ride, good looking so far!

Sure it's for sale! How much you ask?? Well, how much are you willing to pay??? Now triple it, that's the price!

1973 CB500 K2 - Sold the bike and bought a Mig, Miss the bike, Love the Mig :D
1980 CB650 Custom
1971 CB500 Frame 650 engine: Project

Trip and General Ramblings blog:

Offline IainC

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Re: IainC CB650 project log
« Reply #29 on: April 19, 2010, 10:35:46 PM »
I promised more pictures so here they are.

Time to tear into the cylinder head.

Brandon took care of cleaning up the head. He just used my cheap rotatory tool with a combination of the carbide bits and grinding stones to smooth out the carbon build up.

Looks much cleaner than when we started.

I got the carbon off the valves and got them prepped for lapping.

I picked up some lapping compound at Napa. It's seems I'm finally building up a good supply of compounds, greases, lubricants etc.

With the help of a drill, a piece of tubing and some masking tap to hold the valve in the tube tight, we started slowly spinning the valves.

A couple hours worth of work and we have what looks like a clean seal.

Offline IainC

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Re: IainC CB650 project log
« Reply #30 on: April 19, 2010, 10:42:58 PM »
I pulled up a few more photo's from just after I bought the bike. These were sitting in an old back up I forgot about.

This is what it read when the speedo stopped working. Who knows how long that was broken for...

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Re: IainC CB650 project log
« Reply #31 on: April 19, 2010, 11:26:26 PM »
Cleaning the engine for paint was a real chore. It was filthy.

The oil pan off to be cleaned on its own. Those fins are a real pain to scrub.

First parts painted. The rest are almost done and ready to go together. Those engine covers are only on there to protect the innards. I have another set I've been polishing to go on.

Brandon built a little paint booth by stapling cardboard to the storage space for my compost bin.

Perfect for hanging a set of headers :D

While the headers were being painted I was cleaning up the frame and shooting a few coats of gloss black Tremclad over the rusted spots. I was able to get a lot of the spots I couldn't get last year without risking black paint on the engine.
« Last Edit: April 19, 2010, 11:30:14 PM by IainC »

Offline manjisann

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Re: IainC CB650 project log
« Reply #32 on: April 20, 2010, 07:50:32 AM »
Looks good so far! On the intake side of the engine be sure to not polish the intakes up too well. I was talking to Soos and apparently the rough surfaces weren't just cause Honda was lazy and didn't want to fix them, they served to keep the fuel/air mixture turbulent as it went into the cylinder otherwise it would stick to the wall like a fine mist and just sort of ooze into the cylinders and not burn right. At least that was how I understood it.

Sure it's for sale! How much you ask?? Well, how much are you willing to pay??? Now triple it, that's the price!

1973 CB500 K2 - Sold the bike and bought a Mig, Miss the bike, Love the Mig :D
1980 CB650 Custom
1971 CB500 Frame 650 engine: Project

Trip and General Ramblings blog:

Offline IainC

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Re: IainC CB650 project log
« Reply #33 on: April 20, 2010, 08:55:48 AM »
We didn't polish either side, the goal was to just remove the gunk and get it a little more smooth. If you take a close look in them they aren't perfectly clean, but they are worlds apart from where we started.

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Re: IainC CB650 project log
« Reply #34 on: April 20, 2010, 08:07:52 PM »
Looks good so far! On the intake side of the engine be sure to not polish the intakes up too well. I was talking to Soos and apparently the rough surfaces weren't just cause Honda was lazy and didn't want to fix them, they served to keep the fuel/air mixture turbulent as it went into the cylinder otherwise it would stick to the wall like a fine mist and just sort of ooze into the cylinders and not burn right. At least that was how I understood it.

the roughness helps to atomize the fuel so it burns easier. smooth on the exhaust is good though.

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Re: IainC CB650 project log
« Reply #35 on: April 20, 2010, 10:09:44 PM »
Just you guys wait to see what we managed to get done tonight! Pics should be up tomorrow hopefully... ;D
2002 Honda VFR800 ABS
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Re: IainC CB650 project log
« Reply #36 on: April 21, 2010, 12:59:59 AM »
A teaser  ;D

Offline IainC

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Re: IainC CB650 project log
« Reply #37 on: April 22, 2010, 07:06:54 AM »
We have made some serious progress on the bike. We have the front end back on with the new triple trees and forks. Wheel is attached but brakes still need to go on and forks need to be filled. I haven't figured out where locally will be able to fill my forks with nitrogen for me, but I haven't really looked yet. The terrible black paint that was sprayed on them is stripped off but they are still begging for some tlc.

The motor is all back together and in the frame. Valves are adjusted. Static timing looks good. Carbs are installed, but without the airbox. We have the exhaust back on with new gaskets, and the muffler attached.

We gave it a few shots at running last night, but without any success. Splashed some gas into the spark plug holes, got one big back fire, and a little rumbling. The battery seems pretty weak so I suspect it may be that. I have it on the trickle charger so we will see.

I have a few things to sort out asap. First off is the front light cluster. When I swapped the triple trees I didn't account for the fact that the light mounts different on this front end. It has a big ugly bracket that attaches to holes in the trees. This has got to go and a cleaner solution is required. I have big headlight ears that attach to a chrome sleve and sit over the top of the forks, but they just don't look very nice so I'm thinking of a universal chrome headlight mount. I've found a few on ebay and other places.

The other mounting problem is the turn signals. This is a little more difficult. I'm not how I can clamp them to the front forks. I'd like to keep it as clean and simple as possible. I'm thinking I'll buy some small aftermarket blinkers and have to figure out a way to make them fit.

Once I've got that sorted out, the engine running, and the tank and side covers back, I'm on to mostly cosmetic work. I'll have a couple little things like attaching the chain and getting the last few things done, but it should be rideable soon.

Pictures to come.....


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Re: IainC CB650 project log
« Reply #38 on: April 22, 2010, 07:27:21 AM »
Fill your forks with Nitrogen?  That's a new one on me, only gas charged forks I know of are really spendy modern cartridge units.

If you're talking about the air fittings, ignore them, pretend they aren't there.  'Air Assist' is just a way to blow seals prematurely.  You're much better served getting the spring rate and preload right than depending on air assist.

Offline IainC

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Re: IainC CB650 project log
« Reply #39 on: April 22, 2010, 11:29:41 AM »
So your saying I shouldn't use the air assist? I figured it was nitrogen they were filled with as plain air would have moisture in it but could be something else.

I'm skeptical of running them without the air. I figured they were designed that way for a reason, and I'm not too worried about blowing a few cheap seals a little faster if it means a better ride. Any other thoughts?

Offline IainC

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Re: IainC CB650 project log
« Reply #40 on: April 23, 2010, 05:57:30 PM »
Urgent Update:

It's alive!!! Brandon and I got her to start up with ease. No airbox on so we pull the choke out all the way, and with a freshly charged battery it came right to life. Got the airbox installed and it was starting without choke (although warm) without a problem. Still needs the idle adjusted and the carbs synced, but otherwise it runs fantastic.  ;D ;D ;D ;D

I owe my few followers a real update tonight with lots more eye candy. The least I can do is contribute with a ton of pictures. If it wasn't for this forum and it's huge library of knowledge this project would not have been nearly as fun and rewarding.

It's not done yet, but I'm past the hard part. A few more things to finish up and she will be street worthy again.

Offline IainC

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Re: IainC CB650 project log
« Reply #41 on: April 23, 2010, 09:41:15 PM »
Mmmm.... Pictures....

Polishing in a few steps. First sanding with 320grit paper, moving up to 600, then 1000, then mothers aluminum polish. Let's just say if it wasn't for the radio I would go insane doing this.

Wheeled it outside to work in the sunlight. Just installing the head here. My torque wrench doesn't like such low torque, so they are mostly tightened by feel. This is probably bad, but we opted to not take yet another trip to the store for more tools.

Gotta get those gasket surfaces nice and clean. I'm praying I have no oil leaks.

Cam installed. Was quite a bit easier to get right than I was expecting.

Don't forget to get that shaft lubed.  ;)

Once the head cover is on, we move on to the fun part....

.... time to adjust the valves  :-\ They seem dead on, but I'll check them again after running it for a bit.

And it's back together!! Still have to finish polishing the valve covers, and the dyno cover.

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Re: IainC CB650 project log
« Reply #42 on: April 23, 2010, 10:29:43 PM »
Quote from: IainC
Quite a bit easier than I was expecting

What? That took like an HOUR to get in right!

Once you get those carbs ready, this thing will purr and roar! That Laser pipe on the 4-1 was loud and mean, but not LOUD, if you know what I mean. It was a beautiful noise to bug the neighbours with!   :D
2002 Honda VFR800 ABS
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I'm only on this board to help out that sucker Iain. :D

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Re: IainC CB650 project log
« Reply #43 on: April 28, 2010, 07:29:31 AM »
I've had the parts back from the painters for a few days, but have been waiting for the rain to pass and some sun to come out before I take any pictures. The garage light just dosn't do it justice.

I've kind of been slacking off getting the bike tuned and ready. A little worn out from a big motorcycle trade show I was working at this weekend. Plus after devoting the last few weeks to getting the bike running I just need a few days. Once Friday rolls around I'll order the last few parts I need to finish up and get the bike saftied and insured. Should be riding soon.  :)

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Re: IainC CB650 project log
« Reply #44 on: April 28, 2010, 08:23:53 PM »
Dammit! I want to see it on the bike!

You should at least be spending your rainy evenings polishing metal. You've got a lot ahead of you. :D
2002 Honda VFR800 ABS
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Re: IainC CB650 project log
« Reply #45 on: April 28, 2010, 09:01:49 PM »
yep, got to keep on cleaning and polishing things. Mothers mag wheel polish is good to maintain that shine
« Last Edit: April 28, 2010, 09:04:14 PM by scunny »
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Offline IainC

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Re: IainC CB650 project log
« Reply #46 on: April 29, 2010, 12:58:27 PM »
I took some pictures yesterday, there was a bit of sun out so they should look okay. Think I'll stay home tonight so I can get some stuff done and maybe upload some more pictures.  :)

List of things left to do:

Sort out front end. This requires filling my forks with fork oil, and replacing the seals. I'm sorting out my order for headlight and turn signal mounts, as well as new turn signals today as well.

I need to finish rebuilding the front break master cylinder, and get the brake calipers torn down, cleaned, painted and installed.

Haven't started with tuneup as I need to pull the head cover off to remove a bolt that sheared off in the cover. Must have been tightened down too tight and when the metal expanded from running it broke.

Chain needs to be cut down from 110 links to 102 links. Then I can install it.

I had my vinyl guy by yesterday, he came by with some mock ups for the side cover decals. We picked the colour, and he's going to get them cut for me for tomorrow, then we can see if the size looks right, if it does we will get the clear vinyl cut for them and get them applied.

Still lots of polishing to go but its just so terribly boring, and when your as tired as I've been its hard to keep your eyes open with the mesmerizing swirling polishing rag hypnotising you to sleep.

Offline manjisann

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Re: IainC CB650 project log
« Reply #47 on: April 29, 2010, 09:26:16 PM »
WOW that engine looks great!! Keep it up, you're almost there!

Sure it's for sale! How much you ask?? Well, how much are you willing to pay??? Now triple it, that's the price!

1973 CB500 K2 - Sold the bike and bought a Mig, Miss the bike, Love the Mig :D
1980 CB650 Custom
1971 CB500 Frame 650 engine: Project

Trip and General Ramblings blog:

Offline IainC

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Re: IainC CB650 project log
« Reply #48 on: April 30, 2010, 11:18:41 PM »

This bolt was leaking a lot of oil, so I went to tighten it and noticed it was super loose.

Oh look, it's broken.... hmmmm... good thing I have a replacement.

My freshly painted headers are flaking already. Guess that didn't stick well.

I'm rebuilding this master cylinder, should this small brown hole be clear? It's hard to tell if it will clean out.

Painted pieces are back. Thanks to Ron at

Two tone, the knee dents are actually a lighter shade. Hard to see but when you look closely it's there.

Found this in my mail box when I got home tonight. Going to see how the size looks tomorrow and then get the final ones cut.

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Re: IainC CB650 project log
« Reply #49 on: May 01, 2010, 02:06:04 PM »

Painted pieces are back. Thanks to Ron at


Even with the droopy light, that's looking FANTASTIC!
« Last Edit: May 01, 2010, 02:09:24 PM by V4 Lover »
2002 Honda VFR800 ABS
1987 Honda SuperMagna V45

I'm only on this board to help out that sucker Iain. :D