In short, much better. I may be in the endgame of the bout. Thanks again to all for your well wishes and generous sentiments.
To my detractors...well it ain't over yet! So, I may yet add to your online reading suffering.

Disgusting details for the bored....
The antibiotics have reversed much of infection, if not all. My last antibiotic pill was Saturday. So now, it is wait and see if it is totally knocked out, or has withdrawn to regroup and rally. Lung pain for breathing has pretty much subsided. I can again fill them with with deep breaths air without a wince.
I'm still coughing up some blood.

But, the volume of blood has lessened. I'm hoping it's just the residual clearing, as there hasn't been nearly as much sputum ejected as the last time I had lung issues.
My most recent vicodin was taken last Thursday.
I pulled a muscle in my abdnomen left side from coughing/wretching. So, I may have to reconsider the Vicodin, if a can't stop coughing today.
I have my energy back, and just got back from a 30 min walk about the neighborhood. Yesterday was only 20 minutes before fatigue set in. I probably could have walked farther, today. But, I decided to only increase exercise incrementally day to day. I still have a herniated disk to contend with.