I've replaced the stock bayonet bulbs with LEDs I'll get pics, as for EL foil stuff not that great of stuff you need a power inverter to power them up and Last I checked the cost to get a sheet running was about $30 or more. I'll get some pics of the stock light mod I did.
Ok So I'm uploading images now, time for the explaining The stock bulbs were getting a bit dim and I figured I had some LEDs hanging around so I figured I'd try to make some LED stock bulbs.
Start out taking the stock bulbs burnt out or not, and shatter the glass dome.
Now inside the metal can, there's ceramic stuff and epoxy, I just took a needle nose pliers and pinched all around the can crushing as much of the epoxy and ceramic stuff as I could and dumping it out.
Next cut off the old ground wire for the filament, as for the positive, you'll need a soldering iron since the bottom "pin" is just a solder cap, un-solder it and pull the old positive wire out.
Now that you're left with a metal light can (I used 3 LEDs max I could fit in the can) push the positive lead of 3 LEDs through the bottom of the can and the neg leads hang them over the side.
Turn the whole thing upside down so that it's sitting on the LED's, solder the bottom tab and trim off the extra lead length and trim off just enough of the neg leads so that you have maybe a 1\4" on the can still and solder them down.
The only thing you have left to do is install a resistor inline to the light socket, I thought about installing the resistor in the can but figured it would be too difficult to keep everything straight and aligned.
So Pics are done uploading time to post em!!!!
total cost probably $5 to do all the gauge cluster lights and about 1-2hours of work.