heh, around here they drive in unmarked vehicles (like a toyota matrix or a chevy cavalier) with rolling radar, and they'll pull a u-turn if you're doing 10 over. freaked me out once to get pulled over by blue matrix with tinted windows. they don't even put county tags on them. (sneaky sneaky)
Now I have a radar detector that picks them up, ahead of or behind me, for about a mile or so before I see them, even over hills. (now if I could only mount it on my bike...)
Haven't got a speeding ticket with it in the car since.
when I say "nothing better to do" I mean I live in a rural area with a big police budget and not much going on.
every time I get pulled over they make me wait around to get drug dog there to sniff my car/truck. I guess there's lots of drugs here but I don't see 'em.