So, the question needs to be asked... how many of you broke the law today or yesterday? Come on, fess up. How many of you went over the speed limit? I mean even if it was 5mph. Because 5mph over is the same as 70mph over, just the fine is different. They are both over the limit and therefore, unlawful. The speed limit is set as what is a "safe" speed to drive on any given road in dry conditions. Now, if you add inclement weather, in most states, the laws require you to slow down 10-25mph below the limit. It's in the book you read to take your test. Anytime any of us go over the speed limit, we are placing others around us at more harm. So, the next question that needs to be asked... when was the last time you change lanes without signalling, no matter what speed you are traveling or if anyone is anywhere near you? If you don't, every single time, then you are breaking the law. Period. How many of you would expect in any of these situations for it to be normal for a police officer, uniformed or not, to pull a gun out of his/her holster at you for any of these infractions? You'd be #$%*ting a brick in your seat if they did, I bet.
Was the guy an #$%* for his riding? YES. He even videoed it just to post it so he could show off to his buddies and the world later on youtube. Was he breaking the law? YES. Did he deserve or warrant a gun to be
unholstered at any time considering his hands stayed on the bars at all times? NO. The law for police officers is very black and white too. Keep it holstered unless eminent threat or danger is present. PERIOD.
BTW, patriotictex, I've had an inside look at our police for years and I can tell you this. No matter where I've lived, there were always "unwritten rules" that if something was occurring on a certain side of town or neighborhood, some of them they took their time getting there. Yes they are available 24/7/365 and yes they do put their butts on the line daily. But let's us not canonize them just yet, ok? They are human and have their own opinions on the general public. That opinion puts a shadow, good or bad, on how that particular officer handles the situation. Not one is perfectly good or bad. What that officer did was show his ANGER at the rider by pulling that weapon out of his holster without provocation. For that alone, he should get pulled out of the rotation for a while allowed to cool, minimum.
How about we have one thread around here that doesn't get into a pissing match and name calling, eh? Go ride and chill.