i have to ask RM, the horseman in me..what kind of shape is the critter in? physically and mentally? i've seen otherwise nice horses get looney owners and turn totally dangerous.
Hey Jeff, the horse was always a bit high strung due to a wreck he'd had with someone when he was 2, I got him
and he was a great horse a fellow just had to be sure not to ask more than one thing at the time. Anyway, the young lady
and the horse were doing fine and though she had produced a bit of spoiled behavior from him he was not turned looney.
This was the second horse I'd started for this family. The first a Spanish Barb and the Mustangs have such sense I'd be surprised if
anyone could turn them looney.

But, I've have seen good horses ruined by inexperience and sometimes "experience" people.
I think he's still doing fine just may need a bit of detox.