New Proof Unknown "Structures" Tug at Our Universe Putting aside the belief that working theories of what "is" out there are not proof that that "is' what is out there for a while...
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The news this week about the apparent stream of Dark mater which extends toward the Coma cluster is interesting. Dark Matter and Dark Energy have been the theories that many loved to hate.
I had a long series of threads with an internet entity who was a hard core creationist. His primary argument was that something could not come from nothing.
Every where he could find a debate about a subject he would pounce on the issue and stuff a magical being to fill in his understanding. Dark Energy and matter where among his favorites.
He made the case that something we can never sense directly with our instruments cannot be part of the proof of the expanding universe theory that indicates an age of 13.7BY. Philosophically he is using an extension of the same philosophical traps that lead one to the "logical" conclusion that one cannot prove anything besides ones own conciseness exists.
I made my case that the ability to predict events is indicative that a theory may be correct, that if Dark matter was not due to large halos of standard mater, then the hidden mater would reveal its presence by the tracks it left and its existence is proved by the tracks whether we see it or not.
This latest set of reports is some good tracking evidence. As I told old Tommaso Caccini* (I nicknamed him also…

) if the theory had merit tracks would appear and tell us the nature of the creature we where tracking, we might not ever see it but we would know a lot about it.
*Tommaso Caccini accused Galileo Galilei of heresy.