hey fellas!!be alert!!dont ever drop your guard!!!attacks are from all angles,,keep a look out,,expect the non obvious,be carefull out there,,,,,,,,,,,i drive a skip bin truck,,,yesterday i dropped an eight metre(pretty big,,like big as a car)bin on the roadway in a culdesac((umm a court?)so i could lift the full one from the site ,,then place this empty one back in postion,,so,,a worker has stopped three cars ,directing traffic,,i signalled to him to let them through,,the first two cars went by then bang!! the third hit the bin square on!!i checked if she was ok and she was,,said she didnt see it!!she was fully on the wrong side of the road to hit it,,,and ,,it could have been a pedestrian,or a motorcycle,i had a camera with me so i took a few shots showing angles etc,,, i know how these things pan out!!!ummm ,err ,,derr,,invisible obstacle,,someone else always has to be to blame for lack of attention by someone else in a moving car