I get crap in my eyes all the time. I'm a painter(houses, bikes, pretty much anything), which means I'm actually a sander/prepper and I get to paint stuff for an hour after 8 hrs of prep. anyways, I wear goggles these days whenever I'm sanding, grinding, cutting, etc.
but I was just putting the door handle insert back into it's pocket on a newly finished door when it snapped and a lil chunk embedded itself deep in my eye. I could not get it out myself, actually the doc said I made it worse and pushed it deeper in. anyways don't d.i.y. it when it comes to eyeballs. thought I'd have to wait at the ER all day since I don't have insurance but the optometrist down the street took me in immediately. I guess they thought it was an emergency.
a very sweet, reassuring young woman with ultra steady hands took care of me. after she extracted it, she told me she'd have to drill out the rust around it! it rusted in my eyeball! guess I shoulda sprayed some Gibbs oil or PB Blaster in there, eh.
the best part is I can't work until tuesday, which gives me an excuse to take a break. I will have a scar on my eyeball, it's on the green part, though. if it was the black part I woulda lost some vision. the operation only costed $95, which is not bad considering. but the prescription eye drops were $170!!!! even with my 'no insurance discount'.
politicians? BASTARDS!