Author Topic: just had eye surgery- wear goggles  (Read 1614 times)

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Offline greasy j

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just had eye surgery- wear goggles
« on: March 21, 2010, 01:17:51 PM »
I get crap in my eyes all the time. I'm a painter(houses, bikes, pretty much anything), which means I'm actually a sander/prepper and I get to paint stuff for an hour after 8 hrs of prep. anyways, I wear goggles these days whenever I'm sanding, grinding, cutting, etc.

but I was just putting the door handle insert back into it's pocket on a newly finished door when it snapped and a lil chunk embedded itself deep in my eye. I could not get it out myself, actually the doc said I made it worse and pushed it deeper in. anyways don't d.i.y. it when it comes to eyeballs. thought I'd have to wait at the ER all day since I don't have insurance but the optometrist down the street took me in immediately. I guess they thought it was an emergency.

a very sweet, reassuring young woman with ultra steady hands took care of me. after she extracted it, she told me she'd have to drill out the rust around it! it rusted in my eyeball! guess I shoulda sprayed some Gibbs oil or PB Blaster in there, eh.

the best part is I can't work until tuesday, which gives me an excuse to take a break. I will have a scar on my eyeball, it's on the green part, though. if it was the black part I woulda lost some vision. the operation only costed $95, which is not bad considering. but the prescription eye drops were $170!!!! even with my 'no insurance discount'.

politicians? BASTARDS!
« Last Edit: March 21, 2010, 01:24:27 PM by greasy j »

Offline tramp

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Re: just had eye surgery- wear goggles
« Reply #1 on: March 21, 2010, 01:30:29 PM »
same with me and i wore safety glasses
working under a car, old rust went everywhere including my eye
didn't know it was there till my pupils dilated so much i couldn't keep my eye open
had a little piece of rust in my eye
doc got it out but it left a scar
live and learn
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Offline mark

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Re: just had eye surgery- wear goggles
« Reply #2 on: March 21, 2010, 01:35:53 PM »
only $95 at the optometrist..... damn. try $750 at the ER with that no insurance discount.

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Offline kghost

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Re: just had eye surgery- wear goggles
« Reply #3 on: March 21, 2010, 01:53:50 PM »
We need a scarred eyeball Club.

Mine: Left eye...angle grinder...even with the safety googles it slipped in.

Also rusted...also sucked getting it out.
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Offline MickeyX

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Re: just had eye surgery- wear goggles
« Reply #4 on: March 21, 2010, 01:56:26 PM »
eh, just have an MRI. it'll suck that right outta there.  :D
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Offline greasy j

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Re: just had eye surgery- wear goggles
« Reply #5 on: March 21, 2010, 02:09:45 PM »
We need a scarred eyeball Club.

Mine: Left eye...angle grinder...even with the safety googles it slipped in.

Also rusted...also sucked getting it out.

hell, yeah "the rusted eye riders" ha ha

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Re: just had eye surgery- wear goggles
« Reply #6 on: March 21, 2010, 02:12:04 PM »
only $95 at the optometrist..... damn. try $750 at the ER with that no insurance discount.

looks like that's all about to change...   :-\

Offline greasy j

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Re: just had eye surgery- wear goggles
« Reply #7 on: March 26, 2010, 11:15:14 AM »
had to have the rust drilled out 3 times total. just had my 4th visit and I have to go back on monday.

and no sanding, grinding til then. this is really holding me up work wise.

and it has costed about $500 so far. that's a new exhaust and then some.

I guess the piece was very far in and they had to dig a pretty deep hole, so it will take a while for the crater to heal up.

Offline The_Crippler

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Re: just had eye surgery- wear goggles
« Reply #8 on: March 26, 2010, 11:31:19 AM »
 ??? Why, oh why did I read this thread?  *squirms*

Offline dave500

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Re: just had eye surgery- wear goggles
« Reply #9 on: March 27, 2010, 04:57:56 AM »
yeah take care of your eyes!!ive had stuff removed before aswell,,,always always have goggles handy next to your grinders and use them even for a one second job,always!!make it a rule,,ive only just gotten reading glasses and the check revealed scars on one eye ball,,,i still see tradesmen cutting/trimming ceramic tiles with a grinder,or metal grinding with no dust mask ,ear plugs or eye wear!!when i was an apprentice we were shown a saftey film and a guy had a metal shard in his eye and they had a powerfull magnet make the eye buldge!!!fark that!!wear em!!fully enclosed ones.

Offline BobbyR

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Re: just had eye surgery- wear goggles
« Reply #10 on: March 27, 2010, 07:25:33 AM »
I get crap in my eyes all the time. I'm a painter(houses, bikes, pretty much anything), which means I'm actually a sander/prepper and I get to paint stuff for an hour after 8 hrs of prep. anyways, I wear goggles these days whenever I'm sanding, grinding, cutting, etc.

but I was just putting the door handle insert back into it's pocket on a newly finished door when it snapped and a lil chunk embedded itself deep in my eye. I could not get it out myself, actually the doc said I made it worse and pushed it deeper in. anyways don't d.i.y. it when it comes to eyeballs. thought I'd have to wait at the ER all day since I don't have insurance but the optometrist down the street took me in immediately. I guess they thought it was an emergency.

a very sweet, reassuring young woman with ultra steady hands took care of me. after she extracted it, she told me she'd have to drill out the rust around it! it rusted in my eyeball! guess I shoulda sprayed some Gibbs oil or PB Blaster in there, eh.

the best part is I can't work until tuesday, which gives me an excuse to take a break. I will have a scar on my eyeball, it's on the green part, though. if it was the black part I woulda lost some vision. the operation only costed $95, which is not bad considering. but the prescription eye drops were $170!!!! even with my 'no insurance discount'.

politicians? BASTARDS!
Post this story on the Health Care Bill thread. Ed and some other would tell you no big deal, you have another eye on the other side of your nose.

All kidding aside, since I visit shops there there is welding and grinding etc, before I was given an MRI, they checked my eyes. In the MRI machine even small slivers you do not notice normally will heat up and can do real damage.
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Offline Nikkisixx

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Re: just had eye surgery- wear goggles
« Reply #11 on: March 27, 2010, 08:49:07 AM »
Greasyj says: "which means I'm actually a sander/prepper and I get to paint stuff for an hour after 8 hrs of prep"  and I laugh knowingly  ;D

I worked in machine shops for years, always wore safety glasses but got crap in my eyes anyways.  Now 20 years later, the scaring has degraded my otherwise perfect eyesight:(  Is it ironic that the blue collar jobs with the fewest benefits (healthcare) cause you the most long term harm?
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Re: just had eye surgery- wear goggles
« Reply #12 on: March 27, 2010, 10:09:16 AM »
I was working on a pedestal grinder in school, and someone was on the 2nd wheel, got a piece in past my aviator glasses, did not notice it till later..

 I really did not like seeing the buffer to take the rust off, coming in at my frozen eye... cant do it with the eye closed... :o

 ..guess EYE am in the club......................... ;)
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Offline greasy j

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Re: just had eye surgery- wear goggles
« Reply #13 on: March 27, 2010, 05:11:48 PM »
we'll have to have patches made ;)

I saw the health care thread, I can't get into it. I'm really opinionated and I'll just get pissed and spend hours trying to convince people who already made up their mind to avoid any kind of critical thinking. too many ideologues who can't see past the spin doctors who supply their opinions.

as far as I'm concerned a civilized people should have socialized medicine. if you're house catches on fire or you get robbed the cops/firefighters do not leave you a bill. they used to force you to pay or watch your house burn down. that's how the medical system is running right now. a for-profit system can not see past the profit part. and all the $ that goes to the top in a for-profit system ends up in the pockets of greedy bastards and into their offshore accounts, not put back into the system as in a socialized program. how can it work better with all the parasites attached? but we have this idea that the only way to progress is by being at each others throats constantly, climbing to the top so we can #$%* on everyone below. I think more can be accomplished through cooperation than competition. the things we deem truly important tend to become socialized. hopefully education and healthcare will be deemed important some day. I'll just leave it at that.

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Re: just had eye surgery- wear goggles
« Reply #14 on: March 28, 2010, 07:11:14 AM »
we'll have to have patches made ;)

I saw the health care thread, I can't get into it. I'm really opinionated and I'll just get pissed and spend hours trying to convince people who already made up their mind to avoid any kind of critical thinking. too many ideologues who can't see past the spin doctors who supply their opinions.

You big chicken - the healthcare thread is calling your name  :D  I'm like you though, I come to this website to interact with like minded gear heads and chat about bikes, not get bent out of shape by a bunch of talking points.
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Re: just had eye surgery- wear goggles
« Reply #15 on: March 28, 2010, 11:13:01 AM »
Back in 68 I was working at a engine plant where safety glasses were required. Never liked wearing them as they got oil film on them or they fogged up.  Had a chunk of cast iron bounce off the inside lens into my eye.  Had fun at the eye doctor getting it out.  A few years later, I was not wearing my sunglasses when a bottle of tire sealent blew up in my face as I was squeezing it into a tire.  Ended up with both eyes glued shut.  Another trip to the ER.  No permanent damage, but no vision for a few days as both were patched.

Offline greasy j

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Re: just had eye surgery- wear goggles
« Reply #16 on: March 28, 2010, 12:27:50 PM »
we'll have to have patches made ;)

I saw the health care thread, I can't get into it. I'm really opinionated and I'll just get pissed and spend hours trying to convince people who already made up their mind to avoid any kind of critical thinking. too many ideologues who can't see past the spin doctors who supply their opinions.

You big chicken - the healthcare thread is calling your name  :D  I'm like you though, I come to this website to interact with like minded gear heads and chat about bikes, not get bent out of shape by a bunch of talking points.

exactly! bikes are fun! politics are not.

by the way I bought some swim goggles, they form a complete seal. kind of extreme, but this way I can do some sanding before it's totally healed. while at the sports store some kids approached me warily. I thought they were gonna ask me to buy them beer. they wanted plastic pellet b-b guns! I guess you can't buy these if under 18? silly.

I told them cool, just no cats or dogs. people are ok, but animals are innocent. :D I asked what are you gonna do with them, "#$%* #$%* up" was the reply. "well, by all means then, my boy" they were happy with their $15 plastic guns.

I had a wrist rocket at that age and no windows were safe.

Offline greasy j

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Re: just had eye surgery- wear goggles
« Reply #17 on: March 28, 2010, 12:29:45 PM »
Back in 68 I was working at a engine plant where safety glasses were required. Never liked wearing them as they got oil film on them or they fogged up.  Had a chunk of cast iron bounce off the inside lens into my eye.  Had fun at the eye doctor getting it out.  A few years later, I was not wearing my sunglasses when a bottle of tire sealent blew up in my face as I was squeezing it into a tire.  Ended up with both eyes glued shut.  Another trip to the ER.  No permanent damage, but no vision for a few days as both were patched.



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Re: just had eye surgery- wear goggles
« Reply #18 on: March 28, 2010, 02:04:37 PM »
Working on my sons car after he ran into someone for the second time got some rust in my eye.

Went to my regular doctor who said there was nothing in there, must be conjunctivitis...a week later I could not stand it any longer went back, the doctor said just give it time...a week later went to ophthalmologist who extracted hunk of Ford Escort rust. Felt better within a few hours, but have reduced vision in my right eye. 

Still hate wearing safety glasses, but I do, even have a set with reading glasses in them.

Offline greasy j

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Re: just had eye surgery- wear goggles
« Reply #19 on: March 28, 2010, 02:54:47 PM »
Working on my sons car after he ran into someone for the second time got some rust in my eye.

Went to my regular doctor who said there was nothing in there, must be conjunctivitis...a week later I could not stand it any longer went back, the doctor said just give it time...a week later went to ophthalmologist who extracted hunk of Ford Escort rust. Felt better within a few hours, but have reduced vision in my right eye. 

Still hate wearing safety glasses, but I do, even have a set with reading glasses in them.

that misdiagnosis may have led to your vision loss. according to what I was told getting it out quickly is crucial. too bad. hope that doc learned his lesson for the next time some poor workin man comes in.

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Re: just had eye surgery- wear goggles
« Reply #20 on: March 28, 2010, 06:12:30 PM »
Yeah me too, it rusted and they had to scrape the rust out.
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Re: just had eye surgery- wear goggles
« Reply #21 on: March 29, 2010, 09:46:29 AM »
someone really should make patches. we could come up with all the wacky occurrences that tend to happen to guys wrenching bikes and have merit badges for each one like the scouts. rusted eye, rubber side up, skin graft, etc.

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Re: just had eye surgery- wear goggles
« Reply #22 on: March 29, 2010, 04:52:16 PM »
Looks like I too can join the rusted eye riders. Wire wheel for a quick finish on a part, glasses on my head protecting my forhead and whamo right in the bulb like a javelin.
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Offline dave500

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Re: just had eye surgery- wear goggles
« Reply #23 on: March 30, 2010, 12:30:44 AM »
yeah a four second wire wheel job can lose an eye in a milli second,,the old mechanic where i worked told me about the same quick wire wheel job where the guy who got hurt had to have his eye removed from infection,,,it sounded so much worse in his deep scottish accent.,i wear goggles using paint stripper with a brush!!imagine one speck of that stuff in your eye,,another mate of mine at his home,was hammering a nail in his fence ,the hammer struck wrong and glanced off and the nail went into his iris,he had to pull it out,3 weeks in hospital,he was lucky to keep his eye,youll never see it coming.

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Re: just had eye surgery- wear goggles
« Reply #24 on: March 31, 2010, 01:10:07 PM »
youll never see it coming.


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