Wow joe, just wow. Are you really that narrow minded?
What party is for gun control? You musta missed the some of the last laws that went in, notably a credit card law where part of it was the allowing of guns in national parks. This was done in the couple MONTHS so it was passed by democrats. that does not sound like gun control to me.
Also,much of the SS pillaging was done by republicans. Reagan was big on this.
But whatever.
Also, as for the pay of jobs, there are only so many jobs that pay well.
You need someone to cashier your groceries don't you. How about to stock them shelves. Those jobs do NOT pay well yet they are just as needed as some construction job. You are purposely #$%*ting on people doing jobs that HAVE to be done. Do most of these people do this same job for their whole life? No but you seem to think they should be punished for providing services you use everyday. "hey you, gas station attendant. You serve me any time I need gas but you must be punished for serving me!"
Really, that is what it sounds like you are saying.
Besides that, I would not want to live in a world without art and without teachers. But I guess to you, maybe freedom means being stupid and living in caves? After all, how do you get where you are today? People taught you what you know. You should be thankful that some cared enough to make crap wages to teach and try to make you a better person.