Actually fat man was a plutonium based bomb.
As for that last bit of crap you postedthat got the US into its current mess. Also, you seem to forget that private insurance still exists in almost all countries around the world, even those with "socialized" healthcare. but according to you, some people should just get sick and die that way businesses can keep making their money and do not have to worry about risks. Should we hope a close family member of yours encounters this situation, maybe you would sing a different tune then?
Where exactly, did I say this?
I stated, that any business that operates on a "feel good" precept, instead of a profit basis WILL FAIL.
The banking industy failed because the government told the banks you MUST give loans to people irregardless of their ability to pay for it. Next thing you know.....ALOT of people were in default, and the banks were going under becasue they were FORCED to give out risky loans. According to your doctrine, they shouldn't have had to pay for the house anyway......they should have been given a house by the government, and that it's "mean" to expect someone to have to pay for something they want.
Now, the government is going to tell insurance companies you MUST insure someone who comes in off the street who is deathly ill. The insurance company is basically being forced to foot the bill. While it may seem "mean spirited"....fact is that a business cannot operate in an environment where they are forced to make decisions that will cost money. Would you sell your motorcycle to someone who told you they would "pay you later?" I bet you wouldn' would want the money now. Yet, you would ask the insurance company to insure someone who is getting ready to die......what are the pluses for the company? What profit? That is just money going money going in....and business can't operate in the red like that. That is why 9 out of 10 new businesses fail. Life is a b1tch, and business is a dog eat dog world.
But, never fear.....Obama will be everyone's sugar daddy, and give you all your no worry.
That is of course, until the amount of money being printed reaches a point where inflation kicks in, and we lose our A+ bond rating. Then Oil will will move from being traded on the US Dollar to another currency.....
Then you might as well get used to the idea of living in a Marxist regime.
So, you have two choices, you can keep getting all emotional and butt hurt and lashing out at me for being "mean"....or understand that emotion based decisions have no place in business. they can't....becasue the next business will do what you do for you compete, or move on. That competition is what keeps prices LOW.
We are on the road to Marxism. When all other options have been extinguished, as they will be by killing off private enterprise, then you will answer to what you are told to do.
Oh, and the free speech that you think they are championing....will be gone. Look at how much love and patience the Dem's have right now for the Tea Party? They only love free speech as long as you agree with THEM.