Thanks guys.
I will probably change it a bit, and it probably wont fit on stock applications, but would look nice with an alloy oil tank.
I made an alloy front a few years back, as well.
I was looking at 2 frames when I built that mount, and noticed a few things I was not happy with. Namely a 78F and a 76 Auto. The F & K, has a pronounced seam that sticks out a long way from the boss, the auto is flat and closer to the mount hole. The mount holes seem to be 2 diameters, so that leaves 2 choices of mounting bolts, maybe.
I am thinking, I may be able to get a good fitting by installing an internally threaded sleeve in the frame hole, then clamping each side with a button head and washer. The big hole to motor, I was thinking of leaving undersize, then matching it to the actual motormount hole location.