So I got the Ear Cannon 139 dB horn for my bike. Here is the Link: sure to be loud enough to wake up the sleepiest of soccer moms.
Installing on my 78' CB750F
The problem is that its freaking huge and also too unsightly to mount on the forks where the old horns are.
So, Since removing all that breather mess from under my battery box there is a big empty space left.
I decided this would be the best place.
So I welded a Tab to the bottom of the battery box to attach the horn.
I needed a spacer to go in between the horn and the battery box because of the shape of the top of the horn is not flat. I found a piece of carb linkage on a set of junk carbs that worked perfectly.
Then on the other end:
Because this horn uses a Relay, I decided the best place for it was at the electrical panel.
I ran the horn switch lead (which is actually a ground) and a hot lead from the head light bucket to the electrical panel via a length of vacuum hose I had laying around the shop. I did this because when I first got the bike I re-wrapped the entire wiring harness and I never want to do that again unless I'm relocating the electrical panel. So to avoid having to cut into my nice new harness and to avoid seeing two bare wires running out the back of the headlight bucket and winding under the gas tank I decided that the vacuum line was a nifty alternative. I sprayed some silicon grease in the tube to facilitate getting the wires through easier.
After that it was just a matter of a 20 amp in-line fuse from the battery and some female disconnects with some heat-shrink tubing to keep everything dry.
Just don't make the mistake I did and not connect the wires to the actual horn before bolting down the battery box in place. I thought there would be enough room to get them on with it in place but I was wrong.
There is plenty of room in between the swing arm and the horn too. I jumped up and down on the seat while a friend made sure the horn was not being contacted by the swing arm.
One thing I recommend is that if you can, Square punch the hole in the tab before you weld it on to the battery box. This would enable you to use a carriage bolt to secure the horn to the bottom of the box.
This is a nice advantage because the bolt head, even though not directly below the battery could damage the bottom of the battery if the battery slides around a bit. I cut a section of leather and folded it up underneath my AGM battery just incase.
And just like that, you have one loud ass horn!