Author Topic: Wiring help!? All internal headlight connections  (Read 896 times)

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Offline highrpms

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Wiring help!? All internal headlight connections
« on: March 24, 2010, 08:32:56 AM »
This is why I love this forum!  For moments like this... 

Ok so I took off the headlight to put a better condition one on and to paint the cap the color of the bike. 
When I took off the headlight I had a pad and pen ready to write down all the connection in order to make the reconnection simplier.  Well......  As I started to do this I was noticing that it pretty much was a one for one removal.

So orange to orange & green to green & brown w/white to brown w/white....
I noted the random ones that didnt match up evenly. 

Here is my issue.  I have used the wiring diagram in clymers 750cc manual and also the matching all the different instruments wires back to the main harness. 

So I have the following instruments :tachometer, speedo, turn signal buzzer, clutch switch, right controls, indicator cluster, left controls, right/left front turn signals, and headlight....  (majority are male connetions)

And the match up pretty well to the main harness with all the female connections.

Here are my questions:
I have a lot more female connections still open?  Why there are more female wire not connected to anything.  Doesnt seem right.  Mainly in the black and green...  Are there open green (ground i think) connections? 

Also my bike didnt have turn signals and the ones i got from the bike are orignal to the bike jsut were never on it.  There are only 2 wires not the 3 in the diagram.   I can just hook them to the switch and a ground right?  Which might explain some open green or black connections to the main harness. 

Last question.  Before I start rigging this back and jsut getting stuff to work (one way or an other).  Am I missing something...  Like some connections for green or black dont matter which wire becuase they all run to grounds or ??????

Again thanks in advance for all your help!!!!


Offline TwoTired

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Re: Wiring help!? All internal headlight connections
« Reply #1 on: March 24, 2010, 09:24:31 AM »
Green equates to frame connection or Battery NEG terminal.
Black is Battery POS connection after it goes through the Key switch.
The battery powers everything.

The green connection for the front turns goes through the metal of the signal mounts.  The fork "ears" that hold the headlight have a green wire connection to the bolt for the headlight (often missing due to PO mods).  Those should help fill the spare green sockets.
Having spare power and return sockets is not devastating, and far better than having a shortage.

I don't know which bike you have.  But, if you have other removed equipment, that may explain some of the  open sockets.

Finally, the Clymer offers unreliable wire diagrams.  I think the Clymers are a tertiary reference source, far from a primary one.  The Honda shop manual has supplements for each model bike with a unique wire diagram for specific models.
Electrical detail differences are important to understand.

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Re: Wiring help!? All internal headlight connections
« Reply #2 on: March 24, 2010, 10:39:04 AM »
WOW  thank you . good to know. 

i have a 1976 CB750. 

i think most will match up and hoping to just certain components that are lacking as i reconnect.  big help though. 

where can i get the honda manual you are referencing.  i know some colors are off to what i have vs clymer...  i would liek to have something a little more accurate.  good thing about my bike is that from what i have only the turn signals were removed.  i even have a working turn signal buzzer.  that will be coming off - haha

thanks for all your help.  i guess i will get more answers as i try to get this back together this weekend. 
anyone has tips or awesome insight like above that would be much appreciated.


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