What does B&M mean?
My point is that this forum has a double function as a place where you can learn about technology, and a place where you can interact -if only virtually- with other human beings with interests alike, and for that reason it is also a place where you can express your opinions about different subjects, and you can know different opinions than yours. It is up to everyone what the main reason for coming here is.
There is people here with not too much to give in the technical aspect, but much to give in the human aspect. And the other way round. You here can learn not only about bikes and technology, but about life in general, about dealing with everyday problems, with parenting, with cooking, with neigborhood relationship, with losing your loved ones etc.
I don't intend to rain in anybody's parade. Lloyd is probably - I bet he is but I don't know for certain- the member with more posts in this forum, and many people here seem they will miss his knowledge, wisdom and informative posting. Nobody seem to be missing the person, the sense of humor, the humanity, the personal stories. Maybe it is because he never showed much of himself, and when he did, well, everybody will have his own opinion about that.
I would like to miss the person, but I won't. If some day I miss his knowledge I will buy an encyclopaedia.