Michrobi, I was wondering if you measured your Cycle X Super Rods to get the bearing size? If so, maybe you and I can cross-reference to double check each other...
I measured (with calipers) 1.5375 in. +/- 0.0005 in. Of course, calipers are not as accurate as my error would indicate, but I'm making a subjective judgement here... All the rods measured the same (which is comforting). Anyway, this corresponds to about 39.053 mm. The largest value in the bearing table is "3", which goes form 39.016 - 39.024 mm. My rods measure about a thousandth of an inch (0.001") larger - nothing I have to worry about, I think.
I will try another measurement with telescoping gauges. I just did this quick measurement late last night.
Anyway, if I'm right, then the bearing number that corresponds to this is "3".
So what did you come up with?