This subject has been discussed before a thousand times and still it seems that there are many misconceptions.
1. From a electrical point of view, no matter if you connect the negative to the frame or the battery lead. The only important thing is to get a clean surface and a wide contact surface.
2. The spark caution makes sense, but a battery will only generate hydrogen while charging (the famous rotten egg smell), so no way of getting explosions on a discharged or stationary battery.
3. When connecting the leads, it's good to connect the positive first and then the negative. That way, if you unintenionally touch with the clamp any part of the receiving car there will be no short circuit as both chassis would not be yet connected. If you later make a short circuit with the negative lead there will be no problem as chassis and lead will be at the same potential (strictly speaking, that would be no short circuit at all). Remove the leads in the reverse order: first ground, then positive. Believe me: I once made a short with the spanner and it melted in the contact point. That can be DANGEROUS.
You can jumpstart a bike with a car battery or with a heavy duty truck battery, as long as it is 12 V. The power of the alternator doesn't matter as it is only given on demand. I can crash an empty beer can if I want, or simply hold it without damage. My 2 year old daughter probably can't crush the beer can (why should her?
). I hope the analogy is clear
The alternator provides 12 V to hold the charge of the battery. If the charging current is high you will need a higher power alternator.
Strictly speaking, when you connect the jump cables you are connecting two batteries in parallel to the donor's alternator. It needs to have enough power to charge both. If we consider that the donor's battery is charged, all the alternator power will be available to the bike battery, but the voltage will still be 12 V.
4. I don't have one of those gizmo's but they seem pretty convenient. Anyway I always carry jump cables in my car. I have been donor three or four times, and receptor a couple of them. I don't mind to ask a foreigner to jumpstart my car if I have the cables.