we have some pretty bizarre craigslist ads. this one was not in the best of craigslist, or rants and raves. this is in the barter section. when was the last time you saw a wedding dress with camouflage accents, i never have. you have GOT to wonder what these folks are thinking. oh, get another laugh looking at the wedding party. here is the craigslist ad. i guess i sound kind of mean/judgemental by laughing at this but damnit, it IS really funny
http://columbia.craigslist.org/bar/1670524094.htmlI have recently got married..May 9th to be exact..I was wanting to sale or trade my wedding dress..My wedding dress was bought a size 26 but alter to fit me..There is so much room to take in or out..I had a camo bow on it which is detectable. The bow is the length of the dress..The veil I have for it is a comb camo veil...The neck line is a v line..The dress was hem and a small train..there is beaded work up top on front and back..I do have green satin shoes with a camo bow on it..I didnt wear the shoes at all..I decided to go barefoot..WE had a camo country wedding at a log cabin..Here is a link of the wedding video....
.If you like to see pics I can send some..Thanks..Please email me at deergal@ftc-i.net..Im located on hwy 378 In Sumter..
I would like to barter for some things..or even cash would be nice..Email me with what you have..thanks
* Location: Sumter Sc
* it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests
and here is the video of it on you tube