Lots of great suggestions, and I appreciate the offers of help!
How may carbs you going to run?
After much consideration, I'm thinking that, since each cylinder is 750cc, I might have to run a separate 750 assembly per cylinder in order to maintain the correct flow... just gotta figure out how to mount twelve airboxes. Pods are starting to look more and more promising, though it might be a bear setting the jets on 48 carbs...
And, I vote for 12 into 12 for the pipes.
I'm a little concerned they might affect the wind resistance profile... we want it to be as sleek as possible; that's why I decided to mount the engine lengthwise rather than transversely across the frame, though it will make for kind of a long reach for the Clubmans...
May I suggest using A CB360 twin as a starting engine??
Great idea! That solves the kick starter problem, too! I knew I was coming to the right people!
i say you keep the stock centerstand. shouldn't be too difficult to get up on there with these slight mods
Couldn't work on it without one!