+1 do down load the font. Then find the appropriate size. Then go to the office supply store and buy some sticky backed paper and print on it. Then, because, the HONDA logo is block letters it should be easy to take an exacto knife and cut them out. then peel,stick and paint.
Silkscreening is great if you are familiar with the process and photoscreening (burning a screen in the sunlight/or burn light on a photosensitive emulsion) is very easy. However, I would bet that making a stencil would be much easier and quicker in the long run and your result will be the same.
On the stencil you will need to keep the spray can at the level of the stencil and perpendicular to the seat with very light coats
By the way the stencils are available..I have seen them ..so you don't really have to make those either.