A power utility company hires 15 guys to install telephone poles. Three teams with 5 guys per team. At 6:00am the foreman gives them instructions on where each of their work locations are and off the guys go to set up the poles.
6:00pm that evening all three teams are back at the foreman's office to finish up and report their progress. Teams 1 and 2 are tired from the work, but the guys on team 3 are totally wiped out, soaked in sweat, breathing heavily, clothes filthy and torn and drinking lots of water.
Foreman: Team 1, how many poles did you put up today?
Team 1: Twenty two sir.
Foreman: Very good. Team 2?
Team 2: Nineteen sir.
Foreman: Not bad but work harder tomorrow.
Team 2: Yes sir.
Foreman: Team 3?
Team 3 (breathing heavily and hardly able to speak): Three sir.
Foreman: THREE???!!!! THREE???!!!! WTF is wrong with you guys?!?! The other teams put up way more poles than you guys!!!
Team 3: Yes, but look how much they left sticking out of the ground!!