so i heard this at a MC club house last night
when arthur davidson (inventor of the harley davidson) passed away he met saint peter at the pearly gates. petere looked at arthur and said your invention changed the face of the planet for the better for you good dead you get spend eternity with whom ever you want.. well arthur thought about this for a minute and said ya know i would kinda lke to spend eternity with god ..... AND peter said so be it
so god and arthur are haveing a few beers and arthur looks at god and says god you created womwn right
god says yes
so inventor to inventor i would like to tell you i think you have a few flaws with your invention
yep the intake and exhaust are way to close together the is to much inconsistece in the frontal prottrusion and they chatter exxesively at high speeds
god ponders this and types all all the information into the celestial computer and prints a papaer of paper he looks at arthur and says arthur u may be right but it appears more people ride my invention then yours