Author Topic: My bike hates me.  (Read 1227 times)

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My bike hates me.
« on: April 04, 2010, 03:25:53 PM »
And I hate it. I just spent the last few days tearing my motor out, disassembling the topend due to a burned up camshaft. Replaced all the gaskets, Orings, cam shaft, towers, caps and FINALLY got it all back together to find that cylinders 1&2 still are not getting oil up to the valve train. WTF!!!!!!! I made sure everything was nice and clean, tripple checked all the Orings where there and cleaned the living hell out of the oil "jets" and still have the exact same problem. I think I am way to disappointed to even attempt taking it out and all back apart. This sucks, just had to vent. If anybody has any ideas throw them out there.

Offline Alan F.

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Re: My bike hates me.
« Reply #1 on: April 04, 2010, 03:35:43 PM »
what bike do you have?


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Re: My bike hates me.
« Reply #2 on: April 04, 2010, 03:41:50 PM »
1975 750k

Offline rebabal

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Re: My bike hates me.
« Reply #3 on: April 04, 2010, 04:11:03 PM »
Thread hijack, if your bike is the one in your avatar picture, I would love to see more of it :)
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Re: My bike hates me.
« Reply #4 on: April 04, 2010, 04:52:32 PM »
sorry to hear of your troubles, and here 's a long shot:  can you check the oil  pump internal dimensions per the manual, or install an oil pressure gauge?  maybe it's performance is barely adequate, or maybe a collapsed oil filter and stuck bypass?  that's all i got, but am sure there's more on the way.
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Re: My bike hates me.
« Reply #5 on: April 04, 2010, 04:54:13 PM »
Did you pull the Jugs, or just the head?  Problem could still be lurking lower on the oil path.  Cleaned Oil Screen?
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Re: My bike hates me.
« Reply #6 on: April 04, 2010, 04:59:42 PM »
I pulled the head and cylinders. Didn't clean the oil screen or check tolerances in the oil pump. When I open the tappet covers over cylinders 3 and 4 everything is bathed in oil and there is a visible flow out of the passages/cam area. 1 and 2 show no oil flow.
If there is some way to solve this problem without disassembling the motor I would be so grateful to hear it. Otherwise I am either buying a new motor, having this one professionally rebuilt (because I dont have the time) or selling the bike as is.


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Re: My bike hates me.
« Reply #7 on: April 04, 2010, 07:46:50 PM »
Thread hijack, if your bike is the one in your avatar picture, I would love to see more of it :)
I'll post a couple high res pictures tomorrow. It is a good 10 footer, looks good on the road but obviously now that I can f*cking ride it.....

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Re: My bike hates me.
« Reply #8 on: April 04, 2010, 09:35:59 PM »
Take the time to rebuild it yourself if you have the tools (or can borrow some).  It's rewarding, even if it does take a while.  The feeling of self accomplishment when you have it fire up for the first time is an amazing feeling!
"What about incomplete idiots?" -TwoTired
"What's a leakdown test?  I filled the cylinder that looks like this with some water and let it sit overnight. The water didn't go down any.  I thought that would tell me about the rings." -Dead Guy of AMCforums
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Re: My bike hates me.
« Reply #9 on: April 05, 2010, 05:38:00 AM »
Take the time to rebuild it yourself if you have the tools (or can borrow some).  It's rewarding, even if it does take a while.  The feeling of self accomplishment when you have it fire up for the first time is an amazing feeling!
Yeah, I totally felt that yesterday afternoon, she fired right up and sounded awesome BUT no oil F*CK.

Offline wrenchmuch

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Re: My bike hates me.
« Reply #10 on: April 05, 2010, 06:06:54 AM »
I'm sorry to hear you are having trouble . Your bike loves you . Its just a little old and needs some attention right now . If you have a o-ring under each end of each cam tower and all the bolts are tightened correctly then there has to be blockage somewhere . When I stuck my new towers in I put WD40 through all the oil holes and blew them out with air . With my head off I back flushed the oil jet in the head ( mine is a K1 head and as far as I know the jet doesn't come out but yours should on a K5 ) till I was sure it was clean . Did you take the jet out of your head and flush the head passage clean ? The 2 rear cylinder stud holes on either side of the cam tunnel carry oil to the head . Pass a brush down them with WD 40 and blow out with air . If you did all that then I'm willing to bet you have debris floating around that has re-blocked the jet in the head . I pulled apart my whole engine and cleaned everything because I was paranoid of my cam seizing again . I still think of it more often than I should . I won't say its not an oil pump problem but its more likely a blocked oil passage . Likely the jet on that side . You must find the source of the debris or it will just keep blocking . I understand if you don't want to spend too much money on it so pull it apart and don't replace the rings . If  you can though , try to set some money aside for a primary tensioner and cam tensioner parts ( about $180 ) . Once your cases are empty you can blast out all the oil passages with a pressure washer . I took the studs out of my cases and while they were out i ran a drill bit the same size as the oil passage down the passages that feed the head and crank to the main gallery at the back where the oil pressure switch mounts . One of the head passages had a bit of drill swath left in it . If you clean you engine out completely don't forget the oil tank . I took the lines of and plugged the ports . I used a product called POLY CLEANSE ( paint brush cleaner ) to clean it out . This chemical can emulsify hardened paint on a brush and it liquified all the goop at the bottom so it could be rinsed out with WD 40 . If you buy a used engine you might end up with the same or different problems .
I hope you keep at it . You'll be happy you did . I love my 750's and I can't see ever parting with them .