Here's my bike last summer (2023)

Here's how the bike currently looks. Summer 2017
Looks like PHOTOBUCKET got me. I stopped using it around page 27 I am finally getting around to rebuilding. My bike's tranny started getting all funky right before Christmas. So, since the motor is coming out I am goign to try and rebuild as much of the bike as I can. Right now the plan is:
- Media blast and powdercoat the frame, swing arm, triple tree, battery box, random bits, etc...
- New gaskets everywhere
- fix the tranny
- clean & polish everything
- rebuild and paint the forks
- new bearings, headset, swing arm, engine
- replace melted wiring
- upgrade the points/condensors. most likely get the Cycle-x Powerup kit my mufflers are rusted and look terrible
- new primary chain
- new rings
- finish double-disk conversion (the second caliper never got mounted) and new more-modern master cylinder
I would love to hear any suggestions of other stuff I should consider doing. This will be my first major's a brief history of the bike in pics
Round 1I first bought it and cleaned it. It is my first motorcycle ever...used muratic acid on the tank rust (inside), stripped the old paint and rattle canned it...rebuilt the master cylinder, fixed wiring, had the carbs cleaned, new point and condensors
EDIT: Since PHOTOBUCKET has ruined most of the beginning of this's an "new" old picture

Round 2New seat (thanks, powder coated Lester mags, new chain, bar risers and drag bars, super crappy mirrors, new ikon rear shocks, began conversion to double disk front, rotors resurfaced and drilled (thanks Chris Schumann, he did an awesome job) also, my friend Taters painted the tank and chain guard. Real goldleaf and pin stripes...turned out so good, thanks Taters!
Round 3The plan is outlined above. I plan on posting many, many pictures of the progress and how things went together here...and all the progress. As I said this is my first major rebuild. I want to make this bike look and run amazing! It was my daily driver for 2.5 years.
Round 4 (October 2013 — got it back together, started on the first kick. Did not seal the cam-tower-pucks and flipped a gear in the trans resulting in no 5th gear...complete tear down after 300 or so miles. 2nd time's a charm. Fingers crossed)
Round 5 (AUG 24th 2015 — fixing the leaks and transmission has turned into this...replaced almost everything that can wear out..reassembly soon)

May 22nd 2016 — Breaking it in...there is a head-gasket leak...but after doing the 1/4" cotton rope in jammed in around head gasket trick I am "leak-free" for the moment

November 27th 2016 — the motor is out again...going to get this thing leak-free
Here it is prior to the most current engine removal

May 22nd 2017 — Motor back in. New Cam tower pucks...OEM Honda base and Head gaskets. Hondabond used on Tach seal and cam-cover