The carbs are clean, petcock screen is clean. Gaps, timing, spark, all checks out fine. Before I hooked up the Carbtune the only problem I had was some backfiring through #1 due to some old rubber couplers which have since been replaced. So I hooked up the Carbtune and it all went south and now it won't start.
I had put the tank up on a shelf and ran a longer fuel hose. Other than that and attaching the Carbtune, I didn't adjust or change anything.
Forgive me but we are grasping here. Are you sure you installed the adapters to the correct spot on the carb. Again, no offense just grasping here at how it could have gone from running to not running at all? I saw a guy attach the adapters to the air screw holes once rather than the sync ports.
Man, I hope you're right, even if it does make it glaringly obvious the degree of my newbie-ous-ness.
This appears to be the only place to attach the adapters. And they fit perfectly.