Author Topic: can't get the spirit running right  (Read 1154 times)

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Offline wannabridin

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    • 1976 CB750K, under construction:
can't get the spirit running right
« on: April 05, 2010, 10:09:25 AM »
hey guys!  gotta quick tuning question for y'all!

on my '01 spirit 750, whenever i'm just cruising at constant speed, the bike kind of hesitates a little with some lurching.  just not smooth!  also, this happens a lot more as the weather warms up.  i'm thinking i need to drop the needle down one to lean it out a little bit more as it runs better if i put my hand over one of the hypercharger butterfly openings when this happens. 

also, when i'm at WOT (wide open throttle), mainly in the higher gears, like 3rd, 4th and 5th, towards the last 15% or so before redline, it's just choking, leading me to think i need a bigger main jet.  i haven't done a plug chop in awhile, so i can't fully tell what's happening, and i know i need to for sure!

but off the tops of your heads, would a bigger main jet and a needle drop fix this?  it seems like they might interfere with each other?  i'm also going to re-sync them since it's been awhile since that's been done, but throttle response is so great right now! 

thanks for the help guys!!!
1976 CB750K, currently under construction:

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Offline HavocTurbo

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Re: can't get the spirit running right
« Reply #1 on: April 05, 2010, 04:36:47 PM »
Seems to me that you're getting too much air. So yea.... more fuel.

You have aftermarket exhaust as well?

Maybe if you intall a jet kit (doesn't dynojet make one?) that will get you to a better starting point or fix it altogether.
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Offline wannabridin

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    • 1976 CB750K, under construction:
Re: can't get the spirit running right
« Reply #2 on: April 06, 2010, 06:05:50 AM »
installed a jet kit awhile ago, so i have the adjustable needles and all that jazz.  someone told me to just plug up one hole on the hypercharger, but i'd rather try and get the carbs tuned so i don't have to do soemthing like that.  i've already covered the stinger trap door cover so it's just for looks...
1976 CB750K, currently under construction:

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Offline wannabridin

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    • 1976 CB750K, under construction:
Re: can't get the spirit running right
« Reply #3 on: April 07, 2010, 06:08:43 AM »
anyone else?
1976 CB750K, currently under construction:

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Offline HavocTurbo

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Re: can't get the spirit running right
« Reply #4 on: April 08, 2010, 09:58:38 AM »
Use low glue masking tape.... and tape it off and see what happens. If it runs better...

Raise the needles and try that.... still not enough.... maybe too much fuel? lol.
'48 HD Panhead - Exxon Valdez
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Offline wannabridin

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    • 1976 CB750K, under construction:
Re: can't get the spirit running right
« Reply #5 on: April 08, 2010, 10:08:40 AM »
haha!  well when i had the "trap door" cover functional via the stinger kit, it def got too much air!  i didn't want to bump up my mains that much, because i felt it would be too big of a step!  i need to throw some painters tape over the openings and see what happens over a longer ride, and on the highway...  i feel that i need to raise the needle one, AND get a bigger main jet because of the starvation at higher speeds...  oh well, a simple tape test will work for now...  i just don't want to do multiple things at once, because i could cause more problems than fix
1976 CB750K, currently under construction:

-And if you don't do it this year, you'll be one year older when you do...

Offline HavocTurbo

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Re: can't get the spirit running right
« Reply #6 on: April 08, 2010, 10:33:52 AM »
I always start with painters tape because it is almost completely harmless as a test.

No needles or jets to buy.... and it costs like a $1 a roll.
'48 HD Panhead - Exxon Valdez
'78 CB550K - Fokker CB.3
'78 Honda CB750K - Mavrik
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Offline wannabridin

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    • 1976 CB750K, under construction:
Re: can't get the spirit running right
« Reply #7 on: April 09, 2010, 07:21:17 AM »
ya, i'll have to do that, hopefully i can find some time this weekend!
1976 CB750K, currently under construction:

-And if you don't do it this year, you'll be one year older when you do...