hey guys! gotta quick tuning question for y'all!
on my '01 spirit 750, whenever i'm just cruising at constant speed, the bike kind of hesitates a little with some lurching. just not smooth! also, this happens a lot more as the weather warms up. i'm thinking i need to drop the needle down one to lean it out a little bit more as it runs better if i put my hand over one of the hypercharger butterfly openings when this happens.
also, when i'm at WOT (wide open throttle), mainly in the higher gears, like 3rd, 4th and 5th, towards the last 15% or so before redline, it's just choking, leading me to think i need a bigger main jet. i haven't done a plug chop in awhile, so i can't fully tell what's happening, and i know i need to for sure!
but off the tops of your heads, would a bigger main jet and a needle drop fix this? it seems like they might interfere with each other? i'm also going to re-sync them since it's been awhile since that's been done, but throttle response is so great right now!
thanks for the help guys!!!