Hey Scondon,
I really had hoped you did not have to go through this. Sorry Terry, but I would not use the square type of EZ out. I have found that the slotted relief cuts of the square ones can crush closed and then lose their gripping power. The trick to the regular spiral EZ outs is to use a crescent wrench on top or even a tap wrench ( like when tapping threads in a newly drilled hole) and keeping everything vertical/perpendicular, not letting it get canted at all. Get the drilled hole deep enough to take a goodly portion of the major diameter of the EZ out, don't try to work with 1/8 of an inch diameter of a 1/2 inch diameter EZ out. Take your time, be patient, be careful. You can do it, just no need to rush.
With all the words and advice you have been given, I do not envy your task of choicing and deciding. Proper use of heat is a good idea. In my case,.........
I had many a time when I could not use heat, for obvious reasons. I had to remove more than 200 stuck bolts and screws, made out of titanium, in one day, on an F-15 Screaming Eagle. The primary ground crew on that particular bird consistantly over tightened the bolts and screws. It was no biggie, they knew they would not have to be the ones to remove the stuck screws. It was the month of July at Edwards Air Force Base in California. Back then, ( I'm an old timer, this was the early '80's), it was only a 40 or 50 million dollar plane.
I have removed thousands more in all types of different aircraft, from prop driven Cessnas to a 100 million dollar B1B bombers, never got to use heat on a single one of them, for, as I say, obvious reasons.......
~ ~ ~ jaknight ~ ~ ~