I thought this thread was dead. Wishfull thinking......

I just found out why my daughter has been so rude the past 2 days.
Soooooooo the boys parents offered to take my Daughter to church with them on Sunday. Sure why not I said. I'm not a religious person, but I don't have a problem with her attending a service with them.
Tonight I hear they cornered her "so to speak" with a social worker the boy and them for a 1 1/2 hour counseling session. And, and, and, it's all my fault because I should have watched them more carefully and , and the car accident is definitely MY FAULT because I scared him?
Where do the parents "who I shared my feelings and concerns with" get off having a counseling session with my daughter without my or my wife's knowledge. This is so weak that I really don't even know how to communicate to them now. Oh yeah they locked the boy down, I think there is talk of him heading off to flight school early now.
oh yeah my kid hates me. I have explained that I din't lock her down, the boys father did. She gets it, but still hates me.
Don't get me wrong, I have no regrets of my talk with the boys father, but I now realize he's whipped by the church lady wife

I want to go away so bad.........................