
Which Drill pattern should I use on my Brake Rotor?

THe Opulent Mongoose
7 (7.9%)
Slick Swiss Cheeser
2 (2.2%)
The Violent Moonbeam
1 (1.1%)
Shrapnel Supreme
2 (2.2%)
Swirl McHoly
10 (11.2%)
The Universal Augmentator
9 (10.1%)
Rabid Spectrum Dialysis
12 (13.5%)
Turbo Syndicator
18 (20.2%)
7 (7.9%)
The Apocalyptic Gyration
6 (6.7%)
The Centrifugal Genome
5 (5.6%)
Puprle Squish Mitten
10 (11.2%)

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Author Topic: Rotor Drill Pattern for the front Brake Disk - Help me decide  (Read 27224 times)

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Re: Rotor Drill Pattern for the front Brake Disk - Help me decide
« Reply #25 on: August 02, 2010, 07:49:32 PM »
I voted for opulent mongoose.  When I drill my rotors that's what I'm going to use.  I like 'em simple...

And to increase braking performance, it's pretty easy to add a second rotor to a stock cb750 front end...


Offline HedNut

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Re: Rotor Drill Pattern for the front Brake Disk - Help me decide
« Reply #26 on: August 03, 2010, 08:49:54 AM »
Someone mentioned CAD files for these guys...hit me up and I'll try to get them to you.  I'm not the fastest cookie on the block with work and my chaotic life at the moment..but I'm always here to help the brothers n' sisters OUT!  Cheers!

Offline FunJimmy

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Re: Rotor Drill Pattern for the front Brake Disk - Help me decide
« Reply #27 on: August 03, 2010, 05:33:37 PM »
Universal Augmentator

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Offline 77cafe750

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Re: Rotor Drill Pattern for the front Brake Disk - Help me decide
« Reply #28 on: August 03, 2010, 10:22:36 PM »
thanks for the pattern i will begin drilling this weekend that biohazard logo is gonna be fun
thanks again peace crash
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Offline HedNut

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Re: Rotor Drill Pattern for the front Brake Disk - Help me decide
« Reply #29 on: August 04, 2010, 07:52:59 AM »
FunJIMMY! I love it!!!  And your bike is one of the slickest!!  Cheers!

Crash!...you're one crazy ba$$tard taking on that bio-pattern! CAN'T WAIT to see it done!!!!  Wicked!

Offline 77cafe750

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Re: Rotor Drill Pattern for the front Brake Disk - Help me decide
« Reply #30 on: August 04, 2010, 07:54:22 AM »
crazy like a fox lol
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Offline MCRider

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Re: Rotor Drill Pattern for the front Brake Disk - Help me decide
« Reply #31 on: August 04, 2010, 11:34:03 AM »
Too many posters with comments to address so I'll just fling a bunch out there. AS to car rotors, they are radially vented. Drilling a radially vented rotor would likely be certain death. That's why its not done. To the extent they want holes they are made that way.

Drilling bike rotors does not reduce breaking force due to a reduction in swept area.

We had an extensive thread on this subject many moons ago. It was led by my memory of reading a technical piece on why drilling a rotor does not reduce breaking force, but i couldn't remember why.. MAny of you stepped forward with slide rules in hand and presented the cae with formulas and physics etc. In laymans terms the force is determined by the master cylinder. It pushes out X hard. This translates into PSI at the disc surface. If there is less disc surface to push against the PSI increases. However, the force is not lost, or reduced, because there is less surface area. Its the same amount of force regardles. The trade off is increased pad wear. This is nominal in the drill patterns most of you are using. If you've seen mine, well there is more not there than there. If i ever get the chance to ride mine enough to wear out the brake pads, well good for me.

Cast iron is the best surface for braking. Ever seen a hard core bike racer that's been sitting? The discs are rusted up. Since auto discs are seldom seen, or at least less so, cast iron is fine. For cosmetic purposes bikes use stainless and sacrifice some braking. My FJR discs are some sort of blend. Let them sit long enough they'll rust, but its easy to clean. Any amount of regular riding keeps them clean.

But I think drilling cst iron is the no-no. SS is OK.??

So I'm going for the look.  That makes me a poser? Guess so. What's wrong with that? bikes and race cars are toys. To think otherwise is the ultimate posing.

I've heard of bike rotors cracking never seen it though.

« Last Edit: August 04, 2010, 11:38:09 AM by MCRider »
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Re: Rotor Drill Pattern for the front Brake Disk - Help me decide
« Reply #32 on: August 04, 2010, 10:28:49 PM »
Speaking to car rotors. You do not see cross drilled rotors on many race cars because such items are often controlled via the sanctioning body class rules. After racing with the SCCA for many years there are more than a few classes that restrict or dictate braking components. It is common to have them limited to OEM style equipment with only brake pad lining material and fluid choice being an option. In other words unless your car came off the assembly lines with cross drill rotors they are not allowed in many classes or divisions. This holds true for more than just the Sports Car Club of America.

The other engineering issues were covered above by MCRider and he has the best description of the issues I have read in this thread so far.

Some also made reference to chamfering the holes of a drilled rotor. I want to make sure it is clear that you DO NOT want to chamfer the holes to a visible depth. You need to deburr or break the edge of the hole but a visible chamfer or "V" is not a good idea. A surface that is not either parallel or perpendicular to the pad surface is a surface that can allow a build up of pad material as it wears from the pad surface. This is happening on a level that is not all that visible to the naked eye but it does happen and can cause issues.

Oh and I vote Turbo Syndicator
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Re: Rotor Drill Pattern for the front Brake Disk - Help me decide
« Reply #33 on: August 04, 2010, 10:40:50 PM »

But I think drilling cst iron is the no-no. SS is OK.??

This is also my understanding, that drilling cast iron disks is a no-no, while SS is ok.
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Re: Rotor Drill Pattern for the front Brake Disk - Help me decide
« Reply #34 on: August 11, 2010, 08:58:35 AM »
Will drilling the SS rotor on a CB750 potentially reduce squealing?  My front brake sometimes squeals, and I wonder if drilling might help to control that.
1978 CB750K

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Re: Rotor Drill Pattern for the front Brake Disk - Help me decide
« Reply #35 on: August 11, 2010, 09:12:42 AM »
Will drilling the SS rotor on a CB750 potentially reduce squealing?  My front brake sometimes squeals, and I wonder if drilling might help to control that.
It might. But that's not the purpose of drilling. But I offer my position FWIW on this problem as it has come up quite a bit, (squealing). The stock brakes squeal very little, I think not at all in my experience.

My position is that if your brakes are squealing you will want to go in the direction of stock and not modified to sort it out. There is no reason to make modifications to try and reduce squealing

They should be very clean surfaces. Use high powered brake cleaner on the disc. Use fine steel wool on both sides of the disc. Make sure the pucks are clean on their edges and back sides so they float easily. A dab of something goes on the convex surface that pushes on the back of the puck, antisqueal lotion. Be sure the inside of the caliper is CLEAN, no road dust etc. and that the piston is CLEAN. Very often if the bike has sat, the part of the piston that is outboard of the seal gets dirty or worse, and this impedes its movement particularly retracting. It may need to be removed and polished. Or replaced.

And you may have to experiment with puck compounds. While some claim better braking, that may come with a  squeal as aside effect. If you're not using OEM, then pucks are possibly part of the problem.

But you see what I'm getting at. Drilling rotors and upgrading pucks should be done on a system that is already free of squeal, not because of a squeal.
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Re: Rotor Drill Pattern for the front Brake Disk - Help me decide
« Reply #36 on: August 11, 2010, 12:20:33 PM »
I am using OEM pads on OEM rotors.  Brand new piston.  And they squeal.
1978 CB750K

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Re: Rotor Drill Pattern for the front Brake Disk - Help me decide
« Reply #37 on: August 11, 2010, 12:46:26 PM »
I am using OEM pads on OEM rotors.  Brand new piston.  And they squeal.
Sorry about that, got to be frustrating.

Have you scrubbed the rotors? Steel wool, brake cleaner, knuckles (rubber gloves).

PS: The thought just occurred to me. When many get their rotors drilled they also get surface grinding, which gives a new surface. Kinda like steel wool, but much better.
« Last Edit: August 11, 2010, 12:53:45 PM by MCRider »
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Re: Rotor Drill Pattern for the front Brake Disk - Help me decide
« Reply #38 on: August 11, 2010, 05:51:28 PM »
Here was my effort this past Spring. http://forums.sohc4.net/index.php?topic=9900.msg771941#msg771941
$28.00 ;)  Oh yeah , no more squeaking ;D

Offline 77cafe750

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Re: Rotor Drill Pattern for the front Brake Disk - Help me decide
« Reply #39 on: September 18, 2010, 10:05:11 PM »
ok so this bio hazard logo is freaking insane and driven me nuts i have two of them completly done and it ahs taken me three days lol sevral more to go lol peace crash
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Re: Rotor Drill Pattern for the front Brake Disk - Help me decide
« Reply #40 on: September 19, 2010, 09:36:41 AM »
 I drilled cast rotors  for a Rickman in the 70s, and it worked fine, just be careful as cast can grab and ride up the drill.. >:(

 And dont overdrill them. BTW they are usually meehanite, which is similar to nodular iron... not your normal weak cast iron..

PM made a lot of iron ritors when they started out.. (Performance Machine)
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Re: Rotor Drill Pattern for the front Brake Disk - Help me decide
« Reply #41 on: September 19, 2010, 11:58:17 PM »

PM made a lot of iron ritors when they started out.. (Performance Machine)
I met that guy in the early '80s, at the Rock Store (?) on the Angles Crest highway(?) in SoCal. I was on a weekend camping trip with the gf and another couple. Bunch of cafe/canyon carvers were parked in front.I noticed one of the bikes had a Morris wheel, and since it was the only other one I had ever seen, I asked the group of riders, mostly wearing full leathers, who owned it. Turned out to be the PM guy. Nice guy, very knowledgeable. I still have his business card somewhere...
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Re: Rotor Drill Pattern for the front Brake Disk - Help me decide
« Reply #42 on: September 20, 2010, 07:46:30 AM »
That was probably Perry Sands. Their first front calipers were cast, and same pattern of mounts as Lockheed & the AP brakes. The got pretty big, company grew a lot.

 Man we would see the coolest stuff when we did get to the Rock store. Spent a lot of one winter down there, went almost every Sunday...
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Re: Rotor Drill Pattern for the front Brake Disk - Help me decide
« Reply #43 on: March 04, 2015, 11:05:23 AM »
Does anyone have any information as to the rotational direction a drilled rotor should go? Especially considering calipers are in front of the forks. Could the direction/flow of the swirl or pattern have any impact or detriment to the brake pads or braking?
This is my first post so im probably doing it all wrong, sorry guys!

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Re: Rotor Drill Pattern for the front Brake Disk - Help me decide
« Reply #44 on: March 04, 2015, 11:11:39 AM »
Could the direction/flow of the swirl or pattern have any impact or detriment to the brake pads or braking?
NO, not on these relics  ;D
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Re: Rotor Drill Pattern for the front Brake Disk - Help me decide
« Reply #45 on: March 05, 2015, 11:44:18 AM »
Just something I was pondering while reading through this...

Why hasn't anyone brought up slotted rotors? Is that a no-go on bikes?

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Re: Rotor Drill Pattern for the front Brake Disk - Help me decide
« Reply #46 on: March 05, 2015, 11:50:35 AM »
My guess...Most around here dont have the tooling to do slots.  Holes can be done with a paper pattern and a drill press.
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Re: Rotor Drill Pattern for the front Brake Disk - Help me decide
« Reply #47 on: March 05, 2015, 05:24:21 PM »
I voted opulent mongoose. Why? Perhaps this rotor that came in the mail to me yesterday is my bias...

1975 CB750K5 Rebuild in progress.