Author Topic: My '79 CB650  (Read 42203 times)

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Offline manjisann

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Re: My '79 CB650
« Reply #225 on: May 17, 2010, 10:49:57 AM »
Soos, swing by one of these days and lets get your carbs synced and see what you think.

Sure it's for sale! How much you ask?? Well, how much are you willing to pay??? Now triple it, that's the price!

1973 CB500 K2 - Sold the bike and bought a Mig, Miss the bike, Love the Mig :D
1980 CB650 Custom
1971 CB500 Frame 650 engine: Project

Trip and General Ramblings blog:

Offline Soos

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Re: My '79 CB650
« Reply #226 on: August 29, 2010, 06:50:12 AM »
The bike will never stay the same I think.

This riding season I am leaving it as is right now.
But this winter I plan on getting new tires, dropping back in the stock cb650 cam.
among a few other little things - broken turn signal replacement, possibly paintjob this winter as well.

Surprisingly happy with the 550 cam in there though!
I have one complaint, but it's not a biggie at the moment, going up a steep hill(point of the mountain, I-15, utah) with winds over 30mph limits me to 70 or so.
over 40 mph winds kill me down to 60-65.

My MPG has varied from 44mpg to 54mpg so far.  So for a 50 mile (one way) commute, it works for me for now.
I'm expecting a drop in MPG a bit when I put back in the 650 cam.

I am not too happy with the wide flat spot on the rear tire however!
Gentle turning has taken on a different feel I have noticed.
Canyon rising is .... different as well.  when switching from right to left tight turns, there is a odd spot in the middle of the lean switching.

I am VERY happy with my chain and sprocket combo though!
I have gotten into the routine of lubing my chain at least every 150 miles.
More often than not every 50-100 miles(once a day per trip to and from work)

I have only recently done my second chain adjustment..... in over 5000 miles!
the first was within 3 weeks of the instillation of the chain, the most recent only a week ago.
I wonder if it is the lubing, or the better chain I bought....? mabey a little of both?

It's nice having a day off work for a change.
Today is my first full day off in more than 2 weeks.
The past 6-7 weeks of 60-75 hours/week is getting to wear thin! (but them checks sure are heavy!)
Can't wait until all this heat is over, and the busy season is over!!

Wheels down, head up, balls out!
"I can't slow down, I can't hold back. You know I wish I could"

-=≡ Soos ≡=-
Just think to yourself what would Alowishus Devander Abercrombie do?
"Brix will be shat by your neighbors." - schwebel
(61mm)652cc 1979 cb650