Author Topic: Which controls would work? ( and a turn signal flasher Q, too)  (Read 904 times)

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Offline Scott S

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 My CB500 had chopped up controls to fit longer handle bars. The right side I could probably splice and save. The left side has had the wires cut way too short inside the controls. The bike doesn't have turn signals but all the wires in the main harness are still there and in good shape.
 I want to use some small turn signals. No problem on wiring them up. Been there, done that. But, when searching for controls I see many minor differences...headlight switch on R side or L side, etc. As long as I can trace the wires and install the bullet connectors into the correct place in the headlight, nearly any control should work, right? Be it CB350, CB500, CB550, CB750, etc.....right?
 And what about the flasher? I can wire up aftermarket turn signals no problem....will the stock flasher work or will I need to replace it in order for the aftermarket signals to flash?
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Offline OldSchool_IsCool

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Re: Which controls would work? ( and a turn signal flasher Q, too)
« Reply #1 on: April 10, 2010, 06:01:08 AM »
The stock flasher is mechanical and quite sensitive to current load.  If you are moving away from stock (and even if you are KEEPING stock), use a modern electronic flasher.  They aren't nearly as sensitive to load.  Consider also using a 3-prong flasher.  There should be a spare green ground wire floating around the flasher mount which will become the third terminal.

As for the switch, I know on my 77 550K control that the switch has FIVE positions.  Center off, momentary flash and hold flash both left and right.  The momentary flash requires you to hold the switch in that position.  Release your thumb and the switch returns to off.  The hold flash position will hold the flash until you push the switch back to off.  

Another feature of the directional switch is that it turns the front running light off during flash operations.  So not only will a replacement switch need to have wires to the flashing filaments, it will also need wires for the running light filaments.

Let us know how it turns out!

EDIT:  Here are some good wiring diagrams if you need them.
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Offline Scott S

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Re: Which controls would work? ( and a turn signal flasher Q, too)
« Reply #2 on: April 10, 2010, 08:50:35 AM »
 I wasn't strictly speaking of the turn signal switch on the controls....more in general terms. I see slight variations on the different models. I think I can make it work. Just have to figure out where to plug them in on the wiring harness. So what it the kill switch looks slightly different or if the Hi/Lo switch is on the opposite side....that sort of stuff.
'71 CB500 K0
'17 Triumph Street Scrambler
'81 Yamaha XS650