MLK day was a Holiday so I day tripped from Seattle to Eugene OR to pick up my next project.
"Secret ninja" 1977 cb750F2 The bike looked pretty good from a distance, but it had some serious rust that was covered up (pretty good) by spray bomb. I hate it when PO's do this to sell a bike.

After the first day on the bike;

Trashed parts / The exhaust was taken out of the trash....

I wanted to get the motor out asap because I want to tear it down first to were I am at.
Finally got some more wrenching time in. here is the case with the broken cylinder studs (what a #$%*). Took it to a machine shop but they had no luck. Luckily I c=have a spare case for the build.

The second set of cases are getting media blasted. The internals looked pretty good considering how the outside of the engine looked.

New CAD plating system ( works great to refinish old metal bits. I am re plating and polishing all the fasteners and small pieces.
The engine is getting: New HD studs
New cam
New camchain
New rings
New high flow valves
New valve springs and retainers
New valve guides
mild port/ polish
Barnett Clutch
I also plan on installing the Gordon frame kit once it arrives so I will be able to work on the motor in the future ( big bore?) if I decide to.