Excellent! Now we need a 1/4 mile run!! Wanna hear that 915 scream

Maybe you and BrandEn!
How about some pics to show us your different mountings of the camera and external mic with info included in a video?
Are you using any type of attachment in case it comes loose?
What editing software? That is my weakness as I'm electronic dumb

Have you guys used the alternate GoPro back cover that has the 2 open sections in lieu of an external mic? My kit is the Outdoors Kit and came with the extra back.
I got about 12 minutes out of a 2gb card on the Tail of the Dragon. Not long enough to pick up the crash however. I picked up the Chestie mount and had it mounted upside down somehow. At least I can turn my laptop upside down! I got a good shot of my tank speedo

and the double yellow line always to my left.