So after my second Dyna 2000 crapped out on me I decided to move away from it. Issues start to come up 2X after being stuck in traffic during warm weather. like the pick ups fail in high heat. I am going to give the Pamco a try since I have read many positive reviews and first hand knowledge from BrandEn. I should have listened to you after my first gave out B!
Messing around with the 915 gave me new found motivation I lost after starting to dirtbike again, so I decided to make some small cosmetic changes. Went back to the MotoGP pipe again wanting to try out the new design. After seeing BrandEn's in person, it made me miss the stainless pipe I originally had. Also have some smoothed machined aluminum points / clutch covers and smaller black headlight in the mail.

I am not getting rid of the Kerker, but will be nice to have options.