I hear what you ALL are saying. Only thing is, every morning, I have to got and check my Dad's blood sugar and give him his insulin shot and IF I don't get him out to eat a few times a week, he really gets on about going home and getting out of that place. So, I have to look after him.
Then there is Karla, I have her every Tues and Thurs, except from 8am-2pm, Then I have her Monday, Wednesday and Friday, except for 8am - about 6pm. Then I have her Saturday and Sunday. Occasionally, she does an overnight with her worker. I pick Joey up at 7am every week day morning and take him to work and get him back at 2pm and keep him til 7pm except I only take him to work on Thursday and his other worker gets him Thursday afternoon and then I have him on Saturday til 6pm (except from 1-5 while he works at WalMart. Now HIS schedule, I can alternate. My life is pretty busy and wasn't quite so hectic, when I still had Brenda, but WE had to work on getting time just for US though!
If I still DID drink, I'd probably have drank myself to death way before now. I gave that up long ago and probably a good thing I did.
Main thing I do for myself at the present, is to get the GTX out, take it to the car wash, clean it up (lots of pollen falling now) and get it out for a trip to Fort Smith. It ALWAYS gets attention and THAT makes me feel good because it seems to make folks feel good to see the old car OUT THERE, you know?
As for all of the Praying, well, I just feel the need AND when I feel that need, I DO it! I realize that God doesn't have the memory problem that I DO.
Right now, I'm battling the commode drain in Karla's bathroom and will probably end up calling the plumber.
And THAT makes me see DOLLAR $ign$ !
Last Monday, Karla got sick and it was coming out both ends. Had to go pick her up from work (fortunately, the ladies at Bost (where she works) helped her to clean up. Then she wasn't too bad the rest of the week, but yesterday, we went out to eat and all she wanted was one of the big baked potatoes, ordered that and hadn't even started to eat it, when she thought she was going to throw up and headed for the rest room. She didn't do anything, but she brought her meal home because she didn't want to risk it. She wasn't feeling REAL good last night, but felt good enough to get up and go to work today. It gets really hectic at times and I REALLY miss not having someone to share the load and someone to spend some time with, alone, as time was available.
Listen, I really DO appreciate the input here. As usual, you folks
make the effort to try and help sort things out and THAT really makes ME feel Good because I know that the effort is sincere.
I WILL see what I can do too!