Thanks Mark!
I've found the numbers in this file:
Page 142 of the Shop Manual / page 8 of the PDF shows the numbers in the screen shot below.
Maybe I'm misreading them, but anyway: I've found so many typos in this manual that I will definitly trust your knowledge 
There's definitely some kind of mistake, there. Those numbers don't even make sense amongst themselves.

I mean, look at the min OD of the collar (0.843") and the max ID of the bushing (0.846") for starters: that's .003" minimum. Then the wear max comes out to 0.016", hokey smokes!
But, that's also not the first time I've seen that in Honda's manuals.

To get the side-to-side looseness at the axle, take those numbers, multiply the clearance by 1.5 (presuming one side is only worn half as much as the other, here, for perspective), then multiply that number by the pivot-to-axle length of 18", and you'll see what I mean. Worst case, you would multiply the max wear number by 2x if both sides were equally worn, but the chain side always wears worse.
0.016" max wear * 1.5 * 18" = 0.432" side-to-side at the axle.
Honda generally set this upper limit to 0.240" (6mm) in years past on their smaller bikes, which is in keeping with a figure of about 0.008" max wear.