Thanks for all of your comments guys. Okay, so here's how it all worked out:
I remembered that I had ordered an o-ring from in March to replace a leaking one. I set the oversized ones aside and tried the one I ordered earlier. It was the perfect size. Still round, and because it was just big enough, it was pain getting it worked around the grove using adhesive sealant. Anyway, since I now knew it fit and the vender just happens to be local, I drove out to his place and picked up three more along with o-rings for the main jets and the drain screws. This guy rebuilds carbs for a living. So, while I was there I asked what adhesive he found worked best.
With my new o-rings and some contact cement at the corners, I got the chambers back together and replaced all the tubing. Reinstalled the set and it started right up-- and to my surprise, I hadn't screwed up the settings when i cleaned them. I was so thrilled, I threw on my helmet and went for a ride in the rain. Bike was down for a week and a half while I waited for parts and I was aching for a fix. Checked the new clear vinyl drain hoses for gas and nothing. No more sticking floats and no more o-ring leaks. I didn't realize how intimidated I was of these things until I finished and actually got it right the first time. Must have been all the horror stories about people screwing things up by just looking at them funny.
So, I didn't catch his name, but the guy that owns was pretty nice and he has a huge inventory (especially for a one man operation).