Author Topic: Tech Help: Clutch Disengagement Problem  (Read 1068 times)

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Offline Wisconsin Jeff

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Tech Help: Clutch Disengagement Problem
« on: April 12, 2010, 08:57:36 AM »
I have a K8 that I recently rescued.  I got it home and realized that I had to replace the clutch cover and pressure plate due to damage.  I believe the damage was caused by a previous owner that had installed heavy duty springs that were also longer.  Cracked the outer cover and snapped 2 ears off of the pressure plate.

I have installed the new parts and now the clutch won't disengage.  My next logical thought is that the clutch plates (steels) may be warped not allowing the clutch to disengage. 

The bike will run in neutral, go into gear and there is enough disengagement to allow it to run with the clutch pulled in but will not shift back into neutral with the engine running.  It will also not shift while riding, it's stuck in first gear.

Any ideas?

Offline razor02097

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Re: Tech Help: Clutch Disengagement Problem
« Reply #1 on: April 12, 2010, 10:58:01 AM »
When you repaired the clutch did you inspect the steel plates and the friction disks?  Are they all there in the correct order?

I would start by pulling it back apart and take inventory and inspect for damage.  It sounds like they may be assembled wrong or maybe a washer is in the wrong place.
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Re: Tech Help: Clutch Disengagement Problem
« Reply #2 on: April 12, 2010, 11:49:10 AM »
are u sure its properly adjusted? i would just try to tighten up your wire before digging into it again
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Offline Wisconsin Jeff

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Re: Tech Help: Clutch Disengagement Problem
« Reply #3 on: April 14, 2010, 03:43:13 PM »
Ok, I pulled this guy apart.  I found that the "clutch disc" this is the double thickness steel plate was in the wrong place.  I also checked the steels for warpage.  There was one plate that was warped so I replaced it.  I also noticed that the previous mechanic reversed the order of the retainer clip and the thrust washer (curved).  I re-installed all of the pieces in the proper order and adjusted the cable per the OEM manual.

So after all this I expected the problem to be solved.  The bike drives and shifts smoothly but has a hard time finding neutral.  It also seems like the friction zone is too close to the handle bar.  The adjusters on the cable seem to be out to far.  It's a new cable too.

I have heard that you can remove one steel plate, closest to the basket on the older models.  Does this hold true for the later models?

Any other ideas to remedy this problem?

Offline mystic_1

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Re: Tech Help: Clutch Disengagement Problem
« Reply #4 on: April 15, 2010, 05:20:20 AM »
Have you adjusted the clutch lifter screw?

Loosen all cable adjusters, loosen clutch lifter locknut, turn the clutch lifter screw inward until resistance is felt, back it off 1/4 to 1/2 turn, tighten locknut, adjust lower cable adjuster, adjust upper cable adjuster.

See where that gets you.

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