Wow, glad it worked out for you.
Last week I was on one of my favorite twisty roads and a slow moving flatbed, like one of those car-repo trucks, pulled on slowly from a side road, we were in a passing zone so I passed at about 65 to his 35 (in a 55).
Well, in about a mile, in the S's, I see that he's creeped up and is tailgating me through the curves at 60, shaking his fist and grinning.

Pucker pucker.
Well, pulling over to the gravel shoulder wasn't a safe option, and I knew he couldn't take the turns any faster in his rig, so I popped up to 75 and lost him.
I don't know what the hell was wrong with him, but it seems like he was having malicious fun, and it was a bad spot to be in.
I was having flashbacks to Spielberg's movie with Dennis Weaver,
Not cool.
Got to be aware out there, danger lurks.