Oh good, another health care thread. This one will be full of well-reasoned, calm discussion with all parties interested in expanding their viewpoints and growing personally.
That's a cute way of saying.....my way or the highway. Kind of like the Dem's saying bi-partisan means going our way.
Still keep coming back to others telling me they know what's best when it comes to the money I EARN.
Not everyone sees "a progressive step forward"....meaning we will make the decisions for you.
I don't follow. As surely as most people in here claim to be able to predict the future, I'm surprised more of them haven't gotten rich off of Powerball jackpots.
It's really quite simple.
Conservatives=people are free to sink or swim on their own, and should be help responsible for the decisions in life that they make.
Liberals=people in general are stupid, and therefore need those who are "enlightened" to make decisions in their best interest for them.
I believe that if you want things in life you earn them and make your own way. Liberals feel, that by merely existing, that all cares and concerns should be provided.....the problem lies in the fact that government dosen't create jobs and income....all they can do is take,take,take from those that do. More and more businesses will leave the US, becasue it simply dosen't make sense to own a business, take all the risks, and have the government dictate to you what you ALLOWED to do.
Without incentive, nothing gets accomplished.
Never fear.....the people of the USA WANT to go the route of Socailism, and that is where we will end up.
I have accepted it. The problem lies in one sentance....."Where will I work?"