How the hell did this go from healthcare to energy and pollution?
It moved that way when someone challenged a foreigner's input on this thread.
As a health issue, is pollution good for us? When the boreal forests are dying of acid rain from coal fired power plants and native peoples in the north are warned not to eat the fish they have eaten for thousands of years, because they have too high of a mercury content, should something be done? The argument seems to be, no we shouldn't do anything because it would be bad for the economy. Does it make any sense to those who have expressed their concern about what they are leaving to their children to continue down the road that leads over the cliff?
Is the USA or Canada that incapable of thinking and changing the way things are done or does the corporate world have more power that the governments?
This is another of the many issues where other countries would follow the lead of the USA if it had the political will to address the issue. For most of us here it is a continental issue, we all change or we all continue the same as we are doing.
Have others noticed that the same people who say NO WE CAN'T are the people who say NO WE CAN'T to all issues: to pollution control, to health reform, to bank regulations, and to international justice. They claim climate change is a hoax despite overwhelming evidence. These same people call anyone who would try to come to grips with the ills of the country socialists and communists and don't really know what those terms mean. These same people can't face any of the issues facing either Canada or the USA today and call those who will unpatriotic. Some patriots!
I was across the border today in Washington State and saw a bumper sticker on a car.. It had a picture of Obama and it said "YES WE DID". If you don't have the attitude that you can have power and can get change, even if slowly and incrementally, you are a sorry ass.