I know when my husband and I lived in fla. We had a pt cruiser, and i had just gotten my staples out that day from surgery on the first of december, well The day i had my staples taken out and was relased to drive again, i went to the store and when i was gonna pull outta the parking lot onto main road(remind you it's 9pm at night and lighting was horriable and her car was black) Anyway I just took my foot off break to pull out and my car hit her car on side, she had NO HEADLIGHTS ON so I did not see her and i was not even going 2 miles an hour! asked her if everyone was ok and she said yes everone is fine and no one is hurt. well cops showed up and of course the fire departmetn as they always show up at accident sceens, anyway my niece could not keep her mouth shut told the fire fighter i had surgery done on the first and just got staples out that am and they made me go to hospital, i wan in no pain at all, but as soon as she found out I was going to er,all the sudden her boyfriend who was in front seat my car scraped her back seat door not front claimed his leg was fractured. so he went to er by ambulance, her friends showed up at the sceen and said omg i can't belive that she hit you at 50 miles an hour and almost killed you all! EXCUSE ME i just took my foot of break and she had on no headlights,but yet i got the ticket and the points, but my insurance compay would not pay her a dime,she calimed the next day that she fractured her leg and she had a broken arm and all this other good stuff but could not prove it, and when the adjuster came to see my car she said that there was no way my car did that dammage to her car, that it was old dammage, heck my car was still in good shape,so needless to say she tried to sue but nothing came of it because it was old dammage and she was the one really at fault even tough i got the ticket. So becareful bill,he may or maynot have problems from the accident.