So, I live in florida, the later in the summer it is here, the hotter and rainier it gets. I really want to take advantage of this crappy ride time and take the engine out of the frame, and while I'm at it do a bunch of other stuff too. How much of an undertaking is this? I know it's a big job but if I stick to my shop manual and label everything as I take it apart, and have some help, it isnt out of my reach is it?
In case youre wondering, I want to strip it down to pretty much the frame, clean and repaint it black. Ill use this time to have my friend powdercoat my tank for me, and I'll paint my side covers. My friend is a master electrical engineer, and he said he would be happy to help me run new wires all over the bike (my old ones are a bit brittle and the coverings are cracking) and convert the light bulbs to led's so they take less power. I want to service the engine a bit as well, make sure that damn cam chain tensioner isnt frozen, I think it may be. and I want to dremel the valve head, and clean up the valves and pistons. Maybe even have the cylinders honed, and aligned like hondaman says in one of his tips. And also just clean EVERYTHING, there is a lot of gunk on my bike I just can't reach...
anythign else you guys would recommend I look at when I do this? any tips for when I take it apart?