I bought a Dunstall seat from RocCity and although everything with the seat is excellent quality, It ended up being a lot bigger in person than I expected and overall I'm just not sure it fits into my little image of what I want out of this bike.
I paid a bunch of money for it and it is custom and awesome looking, so I really really want to use it, I'm just not wanting to mount it or upholster it - both things I knew I would have to do when I paid for it, but both things I don't want to do now that I've spent all this time up until now messing with the bike, I guess I'm just ready to be done with it?
Attached are pics of my bike with a dummy tank and the seat mocked up... it just feels......huge.
Great quality, though. I recommend him - just look at the dimensions he has posted before you buy if size matters to you :p