Looking at that video is one of the reason I am Glad we moved to Ga. The people in our town drive with a little more respect. The only time I have had problems with a driver on the road in our small town acting all wack and crazy it was a fla tag, Whatever way they went I went OPPISITE DIRECTION! Not picking on Fla drivers Just some idiots in fla who think they know it all. Bad Traffic for us is when kids are getting outta school and that is maybe for about and hour or 2. then it slows down.
When I was on my way home from aderson s.c. on a mission with the pgr I had a car ask me how fast the bike would go and I really didn't awns. because I had gotten lost a little bit and ended up in a really nasty neighborhood, as soon as the light turned green I waited for them to start moving and then I went but, then they wanted to cause me trouble by cutting me off and trying to stop me on infront of me and one in back of me, Thank God I was on the motorcyle, I threw it into first and speed outta there fast like and took all kinds of road, I ended up in the country part of anderson and they didn't dare go down that road. i went down road about 5 miles and then turned around and got my bearings back and never saw them again. I will never take 29 again. I will go long way to avoid the rough crowd.