Author Topic: Well, My World Got Shaken Today, I Had An Accident In The GTX! "UPDATED!"  (Read 3145 times)

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Re: Well, My World Got Shaken Today, I Had An Accident In The GTX!
« Reply #25 on: April 18, 2010, 07:59:06 PM »
Shoot me a pic of your GTX when you get a chance, Bill.  Most of the GTX's I see are trailer queens that the owner thinks are worth as much as a new home! ::)


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Re: Well, My World Got Shaken Today, I Had An Accident In The GTX!
« Reply #26 on: April 18, 2010, 08:22:17 PM »
Shoot me a pic of your GTX when you get a chance, Bill.  Most of the GTX's I see are trailer queens that the owner thinks are worth as much as a new home! ::)


       Here ya go. Not Perfect, but worth lots to ME! Ain't no trailer Queen though.





        What do ya think, "Trailer Queen"? Not on your life. ;)

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Re: Well, My World Got Shaken Today, I Had An Accident In The GTX!
« Reply #27 on: April 18, 2010, 11:53:20 PM »
I was rear ended thursday, not the most devastating hit to the car, but there is enough damage to warrant repair.  It wasn't until  saturday that I started to really feel it.  I was a little stiff friday night but not so bad that I gave it much thought.  Today I am really felling it.  I couldn't justify a trip to the ER but if I can't get an appointment monday at the clinic then i will have no choice but to visit the ER.  In the past I though a lot of whiplash claims were bunk, now i  understand that it doesn't take a hard hit to cause a person a good deal of pain.  I now have changed my tune.  Good luck with that GTX. and go for the wildwood brake set-up.  It cost a bit, but sure are nice and stoppy.
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Re: Well, My World Got Shaken Today, I Had An Accident In The GTX!
« Reply #28 on: April 19, 2010, 04:50:24 AM »
I was rear ended thursday, not the most devastating hit to the car, but there is enough damage to warrant repair.  It wasn't until  saturday that I started to really feel it.  I was a little stiff friday night but not so bad that I gave it much thought.  Today I am really felling it.  I couldn't justify a trip to the ER but if I can't get an appointment monday at the clinic then i will have no choice but to visit the ER.  In the past I though a lot of whiplash claims were bunk, now i  understand that it doesn't take a hard hit to cause a person a good deal of pain.  I now have changed my tune.  Good luck with that GTX. and go for the wildwood brake set-up.  It cost a bit, but sure are nice and stoppy.

          I can appreciate what you are saying and had heard that results can show up later on, but within an hour or possibly 2, I don't know? I Do hope that you are getting on okay.

          As for the brake system, 6pkrunner has provided me with a place that tells exactly what used parts and new parts are needed to duplicate the same system used on the old cop cars and the cost doesn't come out too bad when use get used steering knuckles, brackets and such. Then, buying what the few new parts, makes it seem about the same as a redo on the system and I WILL be upgrading. ;)

        In the meantime, I HATE seeing the front of the car looking like that and I have to wait to get anything taken care of. ::) AND, if that kid is faking, which I think and hope he is, I hope they rattle his cage (they don't need to throw the book at him, just get his attention).
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Re: Well, My World Got Shaken Today, I Had An Accident In The GTX!
« Reply #29 on: April 19, 2010, 11:11:42 AM »
It can be immediate or hours later, Bill. If whiplash is indeed what he is claiming. Either way, he can't just make a claim, he has to see a doc. Not an ER necessarily but a doc. If he's claiming whiplash, he needs imaging. An xray won't do. CT or preferably MRI. In either case, your insurance (you) pay for all of that anyway. Sorry but that's the way it is unless you are in a no fault state.
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Re: Well, My World Got Shaken Today, I Had An Accident In The GTX!
« Reply #30 on: April 19, 2010, 12:36:05 PM »
It can be immediate or hours later, Bill. If whiplash is indeed what he is claiming. Either way, he can't just make a claim, he has to see a doc. Not an ER necessarily but a doc. If he's claiming whiplash, he needs imaging. An xray won't do. CT or preferably MRI. In either case, your insurance (you) pay for all of that anyway. Sorry but that's the way it is unless you are in a no fault state.

        Mickey, I don't know if we are a No Fault State or not. The Investigator from MY Insurance company called a while ago and I am getting ready to call him back to let him know that I am back home and I will find out more about this deal. I don't KNOW exactly what he is claiming, he just told my insurance company that he was in pain, right after the wreck. I feel like USAA will get to the bottom of it though. ;) 
Member # 1969
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Re: Well, My World Got Shaken Today, I Had An Accident In The GTX!
« Reply #31 on: April 19, 2010, 12:49:48 PM »

       Well, the USAA Insurance investigator has called me a little bit ago and He will be here before long and then we will see what the deal is.
Member # 1969
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Re: Well, My World Got Shaken Today, I Had An Accident In The GTX!
« Reply #32 on: April 19, 2010, 05:57:57 PM »

       Well, the USAA Insurance investigator has called me a little bit ago and He will be here before long and then we will see what the deal is.

   Well, he came, he saw, he took pictures, made some notes about the car, we talked and he left. ::)
Member # 1969
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Re: Well, My World Got Shaken Today, I Had An Accident In The GTX!
« Reply #33 on: April 19, 2010, 08:34:48 PM »
And just like talking to a lawyer or Alan Greenspan, you know no more than you did before. Right?  ;D ;D
1969 CL350 Scrambler... almost done!!! Well, until something else goes wrong. :)
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Re: Well, My World Got Shaken Today, I Had An Accident In The GTX!
« Reply #34 on: April 19, 2010, 09:00:18 PM »
I  know when my husband and I lived in fla. We had a pt cruiser, and i had just gotten my staples out that day from surgery on the first of december, well The day i had my staples taken out and was relased to drive again, i went to the store and when i was gonna pull outta the parking lot onto main road(remind you it's 9pm at night and lighting was horriable and her car was black) Anyway I just took my foot off break to pull out and my car hit her car on side, she had NO HEADLIGHTS ON so I did not see her and i was not even going 2 miles an hour! asked her if everyone was ok and she said yes everone is fine and no one is hurt. well cops showed up and of course the fire departmetn as they always show up at accident sceens, anyway my niece could not keep her mouth shut told the fire fighter i had surgery done on the first and just got staples out that am and they made me go to hospital, i wan in no pain at all, but as soon as she found out I was going to er,all the sudden her boyfriend who was in front seat my car scraped her back seat door not front claimed his leg was fractured. so he went to er by ambulance, her friends showed up at the sceen and said omg i can't belive that she hit you at 50 miles an hour and almost killed you all! EXCUSE ME i just took my foot of break and she had on no headlights,but yet i got the ticket and the points, but my insurance compay would not pay her a dime,she calimed the next day that she fractured her leg and she had a broken arm and all this other good stuff but could not prove it, and when the adjuster came to see my car she said that there was no way my car did that dammage to her car, that it was old dammage, heck my car was still in good shape,so needless to say she tried to sue but nothing came of it because it was old dammage and she was the one really at fault even tough i got the ticket. So becareful bill,he may or maynot have problems from the accident.



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Re: Well, My World Got Shaken Today, I Had An Accident In The GTX!
« Reply #35 on: April 19, 2010, 09:17:14 PM »
And just like talking to a lawyer or Alan Greenspan, you know no more than you did before. Right?  ;D ;D

           Yep, not much. Now, I AM beginning to wonder if USAA is going to go after them to fix MY car. That was the impression I got because of the way he was taking pictures and listing the damage. I mean, NO ONE got a citation at the accident. Plus, like I said, I feel that my insurance company WILL get to the bottom of this. I just need to know how long before I can get to work on the GTX. ALSO, I will pick up the police report tomorrow and see just what the cop put in there.  DID tell him that, if there was a notion to total my car because of age, forget it! I don't think they will anyway. BUT I know that I won't let that happen. he wrote that the bumper, the grille (complete with the headlight trim pieces), the valance ( I think that is what is between the fenders and between the grille and the bumper) and the right front fender were damaged and should be replaced. He also told me that, if I do the work and find more damage as I go into it, call him and he will add whatever needs to be (as it wasn't in stone). I'm not expecting for them to pay for MINE, so if it happens, it will be nice. I think it is all based on the fact that the cop apparently has not put either of us at blame since there was no citation given. I don't know, I am just guessing.
Member # 1969
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Re: Well, My World Got Shaken Today, I Had An Accident In The GTX!
« Reply #36 on: April 19, 2010, 09:18:51 PM »
I  know when my husband and I lived in fla. We had a pt cruiser, and i had just gotten my staples out that day from surgery on the first of december, well The day i had my staples taken out and was relased to drive again, i went to the store and when i was gonna pull outta the parking lot onto main road(remind you it's 9pm at night and lighting was horriable and her car was black) Anyway I just took my foot off break to pull out and my car hit her car on side, she had NO HEADLIGHTS ON so I did not see her and i was not even going 2 miles an hour! asked her if everyone was ok and she said yes everone is fine and no one is hurt. well cops showed up and of course the fire departmetn as they always show up at accident sceens, anyway my niece could not keep her mouth shut told the fire fighter i had surgery done on the first and just got staples out that am and they made me go to hospital, i wan in no pain at all, but as soon as she found out I was going to er,all the sudden her boyfriend who was in front seat my car scraped her back seat door not front claimed his leg was fractured. so he went to er by ambulance, her friends showed up at the sceen and said omg i can't belive that she hit you at 50 miles an hour and almost killed you all! EXCUSE ME i just took my foot of break and she had on no headlights,but yet i got the ticket and the points, but my insurance compay would not pay her a dime,she calimed the next day that she fractured her leg and she had a broken arm and all this other good stuff but could not prove it, and when the adjuster came to see my car she said that there was no way my car did that dammage to her car, that it was old dammage, heck my car was still in good shape,so needless to say she tried to sue but nothing came of it because it was old dammage and she was the one really at fault even tough i got the ticket. So becareful bill,he may or maynot have problems from the accident.

   Good to see crooked folks get their just dues! Glad you weren't hurt too though. ;)
Member # 1969
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Re: Well, My World Got Shaken Today, I Had An Accident In The GTX!
« Reply #37 on: April 20, 2010, 08:02:08 AM »

      OKAY, I just got the police report copy and saw the guy who I had the accident with.
I didn't see him soon enough to see how he was moving, while going to his truck. I DID however ask the cop if she noticed how the guy was moving and she hadn't really. She DID say that she asked, during conversation, if anyone was hurt in the accident and he said NO, it was just a fender bender. ::) Anyway, it seems like I am mainly waiting on the results from this, before I can do anything to my car, I guess. I have a call in to find out how long I have to wait, to start working on my car. I am REALLY wanting to get this taken care of, so I can get it back out on the road (w/o the damage) It IS drivable now, but I hate the front end being bent up like that. >:(

                                  Time will tell. ;) 
Member # 1969
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Re: Well, My World Got Shaken Today, I Had An Accident In The GTX!
« Reply #38 on: April 20, 2010, 05:41:14 PM »

   Well, the results are in! I got a phone call from my Insurance claims adjuster and it seems that the kid dropped the physical claim. So, with that being done, they settled with him and have released me to take care of my car. Soon as I heard that, I called a guy over in Alma, Arkansas, that I had met up with on ebay! :o He had already told me to figure out what I need and give him a call and he'd give me a deal on the parts, since ebay would not be involved and no shipping either. Well, I got myself a pretty decent bumper and the filler piece that is between the fenders AND between the grille and the bumper. Also got the linkage I needed for the left door lock (got THAT for free). Gonna be going back with a list! :D He's the same guy who gave me info over the phone, about the rear axle bearings that I could get from O'Reilly Auto Parts. NOW, I went to taking the front end apart and found that the grill has plastic in it and is broken in several places, that aren't obvious. Now, I have to find a grille. I saw one on ebay awhile back, for about $200 or so. Gonna be keeping my eyes on the place in Alma, in case he comes up with a grille AND he's looking for a decent rear bumper too.
Member # 1969
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Good news, Bill!

Car looks great, BTW.  Is it pretty similar tot eh Road Runner you had 35 years ago when you met Brenda?

did Brenda's RR look like that?


Offline bill440cars

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Good news, Bill!

Car looks great, BTW.  Is it pretty similar tot eh Road Runner you had 35 years ago when you met Brenda?

did Brenda's RR look like that?


      Joe, the road runner hdtp and the GTX look pretty much alike, except you might say that the GTX was more refined and had extras.

      Here are some shots of her road runner and mine.



Member # 1969
PRAYERS ALWAYS FOR: Bre, Jeff & Virginia, Bear, Trevor & Brianna ( Close Friend's Daughter)
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Thanks for sharing.

The pain of losing her....I can only never goes away.

It is VERY hard to find a girl that is worth it these days.


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Thanks for sharing.

The pain of losing her....I can only never goes away.

It is VERY hard to find a girl that is worth it these days.


        Thank you for the comments Joe. I really Do appreciate them.

       Yo ARE right about, finding someone now days. AND THAT is EXACTLY why I am SO ON about Berta! SHE is TOTALLY worth it AND I Feel like it was meant for US to start seeing each other! SHE'S IT! 8) ;)   
Member # 1969
PRAYERS ALWAYS FOR: Bre, Jeff & Virginia, Bear, Trevor & Brianna ( Close Friend's Daughter)
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   Been working on the GTX today, pulled it apart (bumper, Filler that goes between the bumper and the grille and pulled the grille also. Come to find out, the P.O. had welded the right side of that filler piece, to the fender!! >:( Guess it wouldn't line up like he wanted it and so, he just welded it in place. I started over on the left side and started taking out the bolts and there weren't any on the right side,  but the piece stayed where it was. YEP, he welded it and filled a gap between the fender and that filler piece with white silicon and painted it! Didn't think that paint would stick, but it did. Also found that the grille is mostly plastic (unlike the road runner grille) and it was broken in several places, but still usable (at least til I can try to find a good one). Got it back together  and looking better. I'm looking for a right front fender. a grille and I'm starting to gather parts to change to disc front brakes.
Member # 1969
PRAYERS ALWAYS FOR: Bre, Jeff & Virginia, Bear, Trevor & Brianna ( Close Friend's Daughter)
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Sorry about this Bill. I have not been on for a bit.
I hope everything works out.

Littleton, CO

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Sorry about this Bill. I have not been on for a bit.
I hope everything works out.


   Everything okay Paul? Been kinda messed up with first thing and then another myself. I used to pride myself at noticing who hadn't been here in a spell and I'm really slipping in THAT department. In all, the front bumper (which WAS a pretty nice piece) is bent up  and useless, the filler piece(goes between the grille and the bumper) was bent up, the Grille is broken in several places and the right front fender is bent some in the front and slightly buckled on the side. NOW, I've replaced the bumper with one that isn't perfect (but looks pretty good and I got the brackets with it as well, just in case), I've gotten another filler that need some work on it (but not as bad as the original one). I got this stuff from a guy in a nearby town who I found out about on ebay. He's looking out for a right fender and a rear bumper as well. I told him that I would probably have a "Shopping List" and he said, Bring it on! ;D He'll also keep an eye out for a grille, but that's something I'm not depending on (is the grille). I've seen reproduction road runner grilles for around $500! :o ::)

            Good thing is I'm alright and the other guy started out claiming physical injury and dropped that after a few days. ;)   
Member # 1969
PRAYERS ALWAYS FOR: Bre, Jeff & Virginia, Bear, Trevor & Brianna ( Close Friend's Daughter)
"Because HE lives, I can Face Tomorrow"                  
 You CAN Teach An Old Dog New Tricks, Just Takes A Little Bit Longer & A Lot More Patience!! 
Main Rides: '02 Durango, '71 Swinger & Dad's '93
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Watch What You Step Into, It Could  End Up A Mess!