Ahhh Memories!
I had the 750 for about 3 days, and was late to work as a cook at the 2400 Diner in Fredericksburg. I came across Chatham bridge and made that right, and saw no cops running radar like normal.
So, I wick it up, and all of a sudden, that brick wall at the end of the street got REAL big, REAL quick! So, in classic NOOB fashion, I grab a footfull of rear and no front and start to kick out right. I panic and let go of the rear and just had enough time to see I was doing 60 before being launched! I hit the ground, catching the curb across the chest,and bounce up into the wall, I think, I'm a little fuzzy on that.
I had the two biggest, bloodiest lips you ever saw, and was just hurting all over. Anyway, the cop was about to question me about my license(no M class yet!) when he noticed my bike and asked what year it was(78).He had a 75 and we talked bikes for about 15 minutes before he drove off. Whew!
I did two things the very next day, in this order.
1. Bought an AGV Full face.
2. Got my M class on my license.