I'm a new '77 CB550F owner and about 2 months into getting her up and running. 2nd real ride ended with fuel drippage and stalling. I'm pretty sure I've sucked some gunk up into the float needles. The bike sat for years with the PO and I had flushed out the tank and cleaned the petcock before riding it, but I think more involved measures must be taken. I read up a bunch about other folks success/woes with POR-15 and I bought the 3 part kit in addition to parts for carb rebuilds. I have a couple quick questions: 1) I found no in-fuel-tank filter when I removed the petcock; should this model have one? perhaps the PO removed it? it does have an inline filter, but would it be good to install an in-tank filter as well? 2) what is the best way to ensure I don't plug up the bung hole with POR-15? I'm worried about how to drain the excess out of the tank and/or not impinge on the diameter needed for the fuel filter if I install one. 3) I've seen some folks using random hardware to help tumble the tank interior, but this model's tank seems like it would be very difficult to remove stuff from given restricted access through the fill cap. anyone done this before with this model? This forum is awesome. Thanks - DB